Just A Door Away

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A/N: 1.5K YOU GUYS ARE FREAKING AMAZING! I Never dreamed let alone thought that I would ever get so many people reading my stories. I actually have no idea what to do with myself I'm so happy. I am painfully aware of how long I haven't updated and I want to say that I am really sorry. I could make up a thousand excuses but it all comes down to me not making any time to write. This will be done in multiple parts, Anywho, I really hope you guys enjoy! 

DISCLAIMER: Levi is out of character in this one but I felt that it worked better this way.

There are a million and one stereotypes for gays. Those who wear crop tops and don't have a care in the world what others think about who they love and then there are those who live their whole life with a pride flag strapped around their neck, suffocating them. Those who go do their nails and those who bite them in terror. Sure there are plenty more, each as unique as the next. Yet even with the surreal amount of support surrounding the gay community, there will always be those gays that are simply too scared to come out openly. Many would say that that's okay, that coming out is your own choice, but there are just as many who would scream 'coward' and 'weakling' till their voices were tattooed on your brain, replaying like a broken record. That broken record was my life's soundtrack, narrating everything that I did with an oppressive smile, keeping me small and terrified. 

Every day was the same dull venture, I lived in a world where even the piercing light of the sun above couldn't penetrate the storm surrounding my decaying sanity. 

Until one day it could and that's the day when He arrived. He was a sudden irrational, disorientating, burning ray of pure white sunlight. He calmed the raging hurricane of my mind, stilled the ravished sees with a single gaze and brought the thundering skies to a genteel peace, this, my dear, is the day I met your father. 


An unusual amount of chaos was going on for an ordinary Saturday in the small village I called home. Men were talking in loud voices, items were being moved from van to house, people gathered, watching the newcomers with reserved disdain, you see, the village I grew up in was not much of an open community, newcomers often stayed for a single year, if at all, not to say that the villagers scared them out, at least, that wasn't the main reason. The village was isolated, a good 20 minute drive to any sign of humanity other than fields of cows. My dad had chosen it as the perfect place to do his job, he was a writer, he for one valued the barren wasteland of trees and fields. I, on the other hand, was starved for human socialization with people of my generation, my sister had long gone off to study in some high-ranking university as had my late best friend, leaving me among the boredom and torment of my mind. 

The house next to mine had been empty for quite some time now, until today, a family of three had moved in, two teachers of the local school a thirty-minute drive from here, and their son, a boy of 17, just one year older than myself. Unlike me he was bloody gorgeous, he had hair like a moonless midnight, his skin as pale as porcelain, his face a masterfully crafted work of art, but what I simply could not put into words were his eyes. They shone with a certain gleam of mischief I had yet to find out for myself, their color was indescribable, a mystical dance of greys and blues. 


It was that same night and I had simply nothing better to do than lie in bed and distract my relentless thoughts with my childhood favorite movie, my blankets wrapped tightly around me giving a lavish sense of warmth, I was clothed in a black hoodie and black sweat pants, I looked practically homeless. But boy let me tell you, I was the most comfortable person in the world, up until a total maniac started to blast music from the house next door. My beautiful bubble of peace had been shattered. I lay there hoping to god that someone would tell my neighbors to shut the hell up, unfortunately, no such blessing came about and after a solid ten minutes of torture, I had decided enough was enough. I got up in a huff and marched over to my window which just so happened to be facing the window of the new neighbor, I threw it open and shouted as loud as I could over the god-awful music,

"DO YOU MIND TURNING IT DOWN PLEASE?" The culprit stepped into view in a loose grey t-shirt and loosely hanging sweatpants, I was suddenly all too aware of my black hoodie I had on, the hood was up and covering my unruly mess of hair, my legs bathing in the baggiest sweatpants I owned,

"SORRY CAN'T HEAR YOU!" The sex god called back, his eyes glinting and lips quirked in an irritatingly attractive manner,

"COULD YOU PLEASE TURN IT DOWN!" I tried again, the music got turned down to a normal volume, as in I could finally hear myself think, "Thank you." I walked away from the window, making a beeline for the comfort of my bed only to be stopped in my tracks,

"You look like shit." I turned on my heel with the sound of his voice, an embarrassed red crept up my neck, even more, conscious of my ragged appearance,

"Thank you," I said dryly, tugging my sweater down even further,

"No, I mean it you look awful." He peered at me through his window,

"Yep, thanks, heard you the first time." I moved to close the window, to block out any further insults,

"Come on, I'm just playing with you." He said hurriedly right before I closed my windows. I crossed my arms in a defensive manner, "I'm Levi."

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