Just A Door Away Part 2

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A/N; Hey guys, I thought I would upload this as soon as possible as I most likely will not be able to update again for a while... Anywho, enjoy!

Rain pattered heavily on the silhouetted trees above, sending droplets hurling down to meet my thin jacket and exposed hair, the forest floor in its near frozen state crunched harshly with each gentle step I took further into the woods. My hands were stuffed deep into the sweatpants I was wearing, providing them a sliver of warmth in the icy cold wind of end November, my breath came out in short puffs of spiraling white. My eyes followed the swirls of frozen air, my mind coming to an odd sort of calm. 

My brain was gently humming from last night, from meeting Levi. 

"I'm Levi." I nodded, not knowing what else to do. I stood there uncertain of what I was supposed to do before simply closing the windows and slipping back into my cocoon of warmth. He hadn't tried to call me over to the window again nor had he turned up the music, a soft smile splayed my lips, the first one in a very long time.

I was brought back harshly to reality when someone all but slammed into me, sending me off balance and falling to the cold and wet forest floor, I winced as the frozen chill seeped through my clothes. 

"What the-" 

"I'm so sorry!" Raven hair and porcelain skin came into view, causing my heart to do an odd sort of stutter,

"It's fine." I started to stand up when he held out his hand for me in a helping gesture, I took it gently not sure of his intentions. His hand was warm and soft, a spark flew up my arm as soon as my hand touched his, a flame dancing where he was holding me. I looked up shyly when I stood normal once again, not sure of what to do. I was surprised to find him staring at me intently, his brow furrowed. 

"Uhm, thank you." I stuttered out lamely as I made my way to continue my walk, but before I could move past him his hand grasped my forearm, electricity shot through my body from the simple contact. I looked at him questioningly, not sure why he wasn't letting me go,

"You're coming with me." His voice was in a matter of factly tone as if being demanded to go with someone that you had met last night was a completely normal thing to do,

"Uh, why?" I asked, my curiosity flaring,

"Because, dumbass, you feel like a bloody block of ice." I felt a flicker of embarrassment at his words, but I was still not completely sure of why I had to go with him, let alone what he was doing running around in a forest in this weather. God, that sounds very hypocritical, but still. He tugged on my arm and he started to walk in the direction that led back to our village, I followed him, not sure what else I could have done. 

The way back was done in complete silence, the only sound the snapping of the frozen blanket of leaves and twigs underfoot. After fifteen minutes of walking in silence we arrived back to the village, he led me past my house and entered his, still unsure of why I was following him I entered his house, the warmth and aroma of lavender spilling over my senses. 

"Come on." He stood at the foot of some stairs, supposedly leading to the second floor of the meticulously clean and beautifully furnished and decorated house. Everything was in its rightful place, I wonder how they kept their house so clean. There were a couple stray moving boxes here and there, but for the most part, it looked like they had been here for years. 

I followed him up the stairs, he opened up the last door on the right of a corridor upstairs, it revealed a perfectly clean and organized bedroom, I could hardly believe that it belonged to Levi. Compared to my poster infested room his was clean and orderly, whilst I had figurines and books strewn all throughout my room, he had nothing out of place. Out of nowhere he lay down on the dark wooden floor and gestured for me to follow, now completely baffled I followed his movement. 

Instantly warmth enveloped my frozen body, 

"Floor heating, it's the strongest in my room." I nodded absently mindedly as I looked at the single poster on his ceiling, it was the night sky, with all the constellations,

"Thank you, for uhm you know," I let my words trail off hoping that he would just take my awkward and clumsy form of gratitude. He let out a deep laugh,

"You're very welcome, neighbor." his tone was light and airy,

"Eren," I whispered shyly,

"You're very welcome, Eren." My heart fluttered at hearing my name coming from his mouth, 

---------------(Skip to four months later)---------------

"Morning neighbor," Levi called from his window, I grumbled sleepily in response, not wanting to get out of bed yet, it was way too early,

"Wake up." He said in a sing-song voice, 

"Shut up," I muttered,

"Oh, well, someone woke up nice and cheery today didn't they." 

"Leviiii," I complained. Silence suddenly enveloped me and I snuggled back into my pillow, glad that he had finally shut up. A sudden weight landed on top of me, causing my eyes to snap open,

"Wake up." Levi's eyes bore into mine, his face only inches from my own, his breath fluttering against my warming cheeks. "I want to take you somewhere." 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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