Fire talks

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Authors Note: AAAHHHH YOU GUYS MAKE ME SO HAPPY! We already passed 150+ reads, this is insane! I was wondering, if you guys have any ideas about a one shot you would like to see, then please just let me know, don't be hesitant to leave a comment of send me a private comment in the inbox! Today I just wanted to write something while sitting in front of a fire, hence the topic of this one shot. It's practically just going to be Eren and Levi sitting in front of a nice fire together, it has less of a plot but nonetheless I hope you guys enjoy! (Also, I'm planning on writing a longer ereri story!)

Snow was drifting lazily beyond the frosted windows, the world outside slowly vanishing beneath the white blanket of soft, fluffy, snow. The little log fireplace was steadily consuming log after log as the flames danced over each one, gently transforming the wood into little more than ash. 

"Eren?" I looked up from my book to see Levi enter the living room, his body was adorned in loose dark grey sweatpants, a big black hoodie hung on his small frame. A small smile manifests it self on my lips, the sight of his bed head and baggy clothing only making him that much more adorable in my eyes. I shake my head lightly and focus my attention back to my book, Levi and I had been friends since high school, after we graduated we just seemed to stay together, not really wanting to part ways. Eventually we had decided on moving in together, as friends of course, that was over three years ago now. We had bought a small house on the outskirts of a quaint village near both our Universities, Levi was majoring in history whilst I was taking English literature. It was now the Christmas vacations and neither of us had family we wanted to go back to for the vacation, so we had decided to simply stay here and celebrate our own little Christmas. 

I snap out of my thoughts once more as a hand flashes before my eyes, I flinch back in surprise only to glare at Levi,

"The fuck do you want?" I say, trying my best to come over as pissed, but my facade was quickly slipping and a smile was finding it's way to my lips once more.

"I asked if you wanted anything from the kitchen." Levi answers, not at all fazed by my snappy remark,

"Uh no I'm good thanks." I direct my attention back to my book once more, sighing when I couldn't find where I had been before being interrupted. So, instead of looking more than a second for where I was I naturally put the book down, folding down the corner of paper signaling what page I was at. I sit back and stare silently at the fire, mesmerized by how the flames seemed almost alive.

"You okay?" The raven haired asks as soon as he comes back from the kitchen, steaming cup of tea in his hand. A gentle sigh escapes my mouth, the question harder to answer than I had originally thought.

"I don't know. I mean, I'm happy here with you and stuff." I don't make eye contact, afraid my eyes with give me away in an instant.

"But?" He fills in for me,

"But, I just can't help but miss them." I didn't need to give any further details, he put his tea down and gently wrapped his arms around me. The act was normal and yet so strange. Levi was known at school as the 'asshole with no emotions' yet around me it was always so clear how he felt, and he never spared any affection towards me, in a friend way of course. I hug back, leaning into his warmth,

"It's normal to miss those close to you Eren, and I'm sorry what happened happened. I know I can't change that, but just know you'll never loose me. No matter what." My heart melted at his words, he was the only one that knew about the accident, he had never shunned me for it, never called me a coward for what I did. I had run away at the age of twelve, I hated my parents at the time and had stayed with one of my best friends until the end of high school, by then I had met Levi. Shortly after moving in with Levi my parents had died in a car crash, and well the rest is history.

"Thanks Levi." I break the hug and lean back seeing a gentle and comforting smile on his porcelain skin made my heart stutter,

"Always." He stood up and put another log on the simmering fire, "Eren?" He looked at me, a sudden uncertainty glint in his eyes, I hummed in response showing I was listening, "Sorry to change the subject this suddenly but I just need to tell you something that I've been meaning to for a while now. Oh my god I'm going to sound like such a stereotypical school girl but I kinda, umm, like someone?" He ended the last few words in an almost questioning tone, my heart sunk and felt like it was falling apart slowly at the seems,

"Do tell." I scoot closer to him, as he had just sat down opposite me on the carpet.

"Okay so, there's this guy in our school and well um yeah." He looked at his feat, picking lightly at the carpet. Despite my selfish emotions of not wanting him to like anyone but me, I still wanted to find out who this fucke- I mean, person was,

"Well? What does he look like, come on details Levi." I grinned at him as I saw a soft blush dusting his cheeks,

"What are we? Fourteen?" He sighed in defeat when I didn't answer and continued on, "Well I guess he's tall ish, he has slightly tanned skin and messy brown hair." I snickered at how vague he was being, earning me a flustered glare, "Okay okay, I'm fucking trying. He is in the English section of the courses and really likes reading." Jealousy panged in my chest like a a punch, Levi's crush could very likely be sitting in the same classroom as myself every day. "He has these mesmerizing Caribbean ocean coloured eyes, and get this." Slowly the cogs started to turn in my head, 

"He's sitting right in front of me."

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