A chance

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Authors Note: Hello lovelies. *sigh* so as I had said in my last update I was planning on asking this guy out to a dance, well, turns out he's not going. I didn't ask him in the end. In all honesty i'm at an absolute loss at what to do, I seriously like him. So many girls in my grade find him really attractive and honestly I just feel like my chance is small. I really wish it could end up being more, but, I don't know. The plan now is just to keep on being myself and being nice to him and hoping that eventually something will come out of it. Anyway, this one is going to once again be a little on the short side, I'm just not really inspired these last few weeks and I'm also drowning in homework and exams. Anywho, enjoy! (this is lowkey my story with him atm sorry not sorry)

Levi's POV

"-and this other girl also really like him and apparently they have already hugged. But I mean obviously that could have been completely one sided and he probably hated it and everything." With each word my heart sank lower, as did my chances that I would ever end up with my crush. I mean not that there were many, sure all my friends will say that I'm smart and mildly attractive, do I believe them? No. Half the grade found him hot and a quarter had a crush on him. In my mind I played them out as being half-assed crushes, nothing like I had. In a way I still think that, I still think I am one of the only people that genuinely cares about him, not about his looks or grades. I genuinely care about him, I want to know him. I want get to hear about all his adventures, I want to be the person he feels comfortable around, the one person he can trust. The one person he can go to when he needs someone to talk to. Then of course, that is just a dream. He does after all have way better options than me. 

We have talked on occasion here and there, we talked about his past and mine, we talked about things from video games to horseback ridding, to be honest I would be lying if I said that I didn't feel special in a way. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't think that I had a small chance at all. I had heard rumours about his past anger issues, at first I thought that I didn't want to deal with them, but now, all I want to do is help him with them. I just want to be there for him but in reality I am not close enough, he most likely would shut me out completely and all my progress with him would be lost. 

"-evi? Levi? Hellooooo? Earth to Levi!" Hanji flailed her arms in front of my eyes, successfully pulling me out of my thoughts, I glared at her and opened my mouth, "Before you scream at me I have some amazing news I forgot to tell you!" My heart sped up and my hands immediately became clammy, "Well I heard from, Reiner, who heard from Annie, who heard from Sasha, that Eren and his friends were playing Smash or Pass, and your name came up." My heart started to pound even faster, "And Eren said Smash!" my heart practically flew out of my body at these simple words. No matter it was just a stupid game, it meant something, it meant that he A found me somewhat attractive, and B that he wasn't as straight as I'd feared. Maybe there was a chance for me yet. But then again... Ah fuck it. I'll let myself have this small victory, it meant something, and honestly for now it was enough for me. Who honestly knows what will happen? 

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