The screen that separates us

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Authors Note: Hello there you beautiful creature. I'm so sorry that updates have been slow, school has been an absolute nightmare. I promise I will try to do two one shots a week if I can, one at the very least. That aside, 200 VIEWS HOLLY FRICK YOU GUYS!! You don't understand how happy that makes me. I can't wait to see how far this will go and honestly I am blessed to have you guys along with me on this emotional roller coaster. Anyway, this one shot is one dedicated to my amazingly talented friend ereriisfab. Levi and Eren are internet friends, that's all I'm going to say. Enjoy!

My fingers glided swiftly over the key board as they had done so many times before. My computer seemed to be the only thing I could feel fully safe with of late, and writing had been my one main escape, making up a world where you made up your own laws of physics; where you could practically do anything. A Skype notification popped up in the corner of my screen, a smile immediately settled on my lips,

From Levi: How is your project coming along for biology. Which by the way you should be doing right now but I can already guess that that is not at all the case.

To Levi: It's going great by the way. I'm hurt you even think that lowly of me. 

From Levi: Oh shut up you brat. Anyway, how was school? Sorry we couldn't talk yesterday I was busy with the Cafe. 

To Levi: Don't worry about it. School was shitty as ever, horseface got a good couple of punches in before Mikasa came to the rescue.

From Levi: I swear I will murder that fuck face one day. Are you okay? 

My smile only broadened and a laugh escaped my mouth, he always managed to make me laugh no matter how bad my day was.

To Levi: I'm good Levi, it was nowhere near as bad as it could have been had it not been for Mikasa. 

From Levi: She is one special person. I swear if I weren't so gay I'd marry her. 

To Levi: Oh shush you, as if I'd let you marry my sister. And anyway I've already planned our marriage, and that's something even you can't back out of.

From Levi: Really now? Well then, what's the venue and when is it. I'll make sure to wear my best suit for you.

To Levi: Since you insist it is happening in twenty minutes at central park under the big ass maple tree. I expect you to be there.

I laugh to myself, knowing that it was simply just a joke. Levi lived god-knows-where, no matter that we had been talking for over three years, we still had never discussed where we lived, we had only Skyped face to face a handful of times. Both of us like it that way, or at least that's what I thought.

From Levi: On my way, and I expect my bride to be there by my side. 

I stare blankly at the screen. Was he joking? I mean sure he could be, but what if he was serious? What if he actually lived in New York as I did? 

"Fuck it" I raced out the door phone in hand and shoes half on, I was not passing out an opportunity to potentially meet Levi. 

My legs where burning and my chest was heaving by the time I arrived at Central Park, and they where practically giving out by the time I reached the biggest maple tree in all of Central Park. I couldn't stop the tears from welling up when I saw that no one was there, I know it had been a stupid thought, that he would actually be there. But I couldn't help it, I would do so much to just be in his arms, if only for a second. I let myself slide down the trunk of the tree, feeling the soft grass under me as I slid down to a sitting position. Tears rolled gently down my cheeks, but stopped soon enough. That did not mean my heart did not feel like it was being crushed, how could I suddenly feel so many emotions for a guy I only talk to on Skype. I mean sure there had been plenty of times when I had day dreamed about meeting him in real life, it would just be so amazing to get to know the only person that make you want to get up in the morning, the only person that could make you smile. It was an extraordinary feeling, and one I never wanted to loose, then again I would do anything to make my heart stop hurting. 

I lay my head back against the trunk of the maple, letting my eyes gaze up at the green mass of leaves, the sun only peaking through in certain spots and yet illuminating the whole green canvas, making the leaves look as if they where glowing. It was beautiful really. A soft breeze ruffled my brown locks and the leaves above, sending one floating down. It landed softly on the ground, just a few feet away from where I was sitting. Even from where I was sitting I could see the intricate webbing of the leaf, it was amazing how many details people miss when looking out of their window. Amazing how much I had missed every day whilst sitting inside and moping, despite how much my heart hurt in this moment, it was almost worth it. There was suddenly a whole new dimension to my reality just from that single leaf.

The leaf had kept me entranced for what seemed like forever, my thoughts flowing wildly through my head. I had not noticed when someone had walked past me, nor had I noticed when they had done a double taken and I had most certainly not noticed when said person had sat down next to me. I was finally snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my name being called,

"-ren? Eren? For fucks sake are you deaf or something?" I wiped my head around only to be face to face with no one else than the beautiful raven haired man called Levi. Tears leaped back into my eyes, this time they where filled with joy, so much joy. I threw my arms around him without a second thought. He soon returned the favour and the sensation was more amazing than I could have ever dreamed. His strong arms kept me close to his warm chest, his lavender mixed with mint scent numbing my whole body. 

"I'm so happy you are here Levi."I mumbled into his shoulder,

"Me too Eren, Me too." A comfortable silence only disturbed by the soft chatter of birds stretched between us as neither of us made a move to leave our embrace, "Hey Eren?" I hummed softly, "What do you say, when we are old enough we come back here?" I nodded quickly, a smile etched into my face, "And what do you say, that when we do come back here, it will be us in suits and rings on our fingers?" My head shot up and I looked him in the eyes, no words could be formed, instead I gently pulled his face closer to mine, our lips melted together as if they were made for one another. Smiles where bright on both our faces, "I'm just going to go out on a whim here and say that that's a yes."

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