Nightmare Part Two

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Authors Note: Okay so this is just following on from the last part cause I didn't think there was enough actual ereri in it sooo yeah enjoy.

It had been a few weeks since the nightmare and nothing much had changed, apart from the fact that Levi kept on glancing  at me,when he thought I couldn't see him, with a worried expression on his face. We were both in the dorm, him working on an English essay and I was working on a godforsaken charcoal drawing for art class. I sighed when I noticed Levi was once again looking at me from the corner of his eye with a worried expression, I turned to him and his cheeks tinted slightly pink as he saw that I caught him looking at me. "Okay, Levi look. I get that you're worried or whatever but I'm okay, It's in the past. But, if you really want to know I guess I could tell you." His eyes grow wide as he realizes what I just offered. He doesn't do anything and just stares at me with intense curiosity, so once again sigh and brace myself for the memories I would have to uncover once again to explain everything.

"I guess it started when I was five, my mom and sister had just left us, I still don't know where they went. Anyway, they left and my dad blamed me, he made sure to show his distaste in many ways," I pause and scratch my arm nervously, never had I spoken about this, not even to my best friend, "When I was sixteen my dad got really drunk and, he, well he landed me in the hospital. After I got out he was gone. I had to move in with my friend for two years until I was legal, by then I had assembled enough money to come here, and well, that's the short version of it I suppose." I look anywhere but Levi as I feel the tension brewing in the air,

"That fucking asshole." My head shoots up at the sound of his voice, he seemed... angry? Why would he be angry? Why would he even care? Levi walks over to me and sits next to me on the bed, moving my art project to the side. "I'm so sorry Eren." I look at him confused,

"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong." He smiles a little and takes my hand in his, causing me to blush,

"Eren, you didn't deserve that, you didn't deserve to be with a ma- thing like that growing up. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, just know that fucker won't lay another hand on you whilst I'm around." I laugh nervously as Levi's voice gets stronger.

"Levi, I really appreciate that. Thank you. But, you don't have to make it so cheesy" His expression is beyond dumbfound as he looks at me, who is once again laughing. He crossed his arms like a kid and got up,

"Tch, whatever I was just trying to be nice. Brat" the last part he mumbled under his breath as he walked back to his laptop to continue with his essay, but I didn't miss the small smile on his lips.

-----Time skip brought to you by a two-legged giraffe-----

"Leviii" I whined as I waited for him to get ready. It was four days since I had told him about my dad, four days since I had felt my heart race with his every word, four days since I had started to look at him differently. I don't know what did it, the way he cared, the way he had grabbed my hand without hesitation, the way he had always managed to make me smile.

"Earth to Eren." Levi stood in front of me, waving his pale hand in front of my eyes. I blush a little as I realize that I had been thinking about the very person next to me in a rather different way.

"Let's go" I mumble and he just raises an eyebrow,

"Lead the way."

I make my way out of the dorm, down the two flights of stairs, open the door leading outside, only to be greeted by the crisp winter night  air. I walk outside, hands stuffed in pockets as I watched my breath make little clouds in the air before me. Levi walked up behind me and I continued on my way to where I was bringing him, the location still a mystery to him. We walked off campus and into a small park on the outskirts of the small town. Walking through the trees, neither of us uttering a word, simply enjoying the comfortable silence that wrapped around us. Finally we stopped by a small frozen over lake, trees surrounded the lake, only the soft shine of the moon illuminating the clearing. I puffed out my cheeks and walked slowly over to the edge of the lake, taking small tentative steps onto it, before growing more confident and walking to the middle of the lake, gliding slightly on the ice. The soft footsteps behind me telling me that Levi was right behind me. I turned around once I reached the middle of the lake and watched Levi make his way over to me. I extend my hand, surprised at how the silver-eyed took it without hesitation. I blushed wildly as I felt his miraculously warm fingers inter twine with my own cold fingers. I pulled him lightly towards me until he was right in front of me, his soft breath tingling my face, I reached for his other hand and he complied just as he had done before, I brought his hands around my waist and I placed mine around his neck, all the while blushing up a storm. I then started to move in slow circles on the ice, watching as small snowflakes fluttered down around us, causing us to move even closer to each other for warmth, the moon shinning down on us, making his eyes shine and smile that bit warmer. We circled around one another, not breaking eye contact, holding tight to each other, unwilling to let go. We seemed to gravitate even closer to the point where our noses almost touched, his eyes not leaving my own, until in a clash of emotions he pulled me to him and out lips connected. I didn't react for a second before I smiled into the kiss and kissed back, never wanting this moment to end.

The moon shone softly down on the two figures down below, still circling softly, eyes closed, and lips sealed, they both knew in that moment living without the other would be pointless, that living without the other would be the same as living without a purpose, without a light to ward away the darkness. That living without the other simply wasn't worth it.

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