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Authors Note: Happy Valentines to those who celebrate it!! If you are spending it alone like myself then all the best to you, and lets pray that next year will be different! Or not, most likely not.... anyway, if you are one of the lucky few who is spending it with someone special I'm incredibly happy for you and I hope it lasts! Anywho, I have a lot of work to get done today so this one may be a little on the short side so sorry in advance for that, nevertheless I really hope you guys enjoy this! 

Levi's P.O.V

Valentines, the one day where every girl in our school suddenly gets the idiotic idea that my gay ass would want them. I walk through the school gate only to see a disgustingly painted banner hanging above the entrance, 'HAPPY VALENTINES', no doubt it was Hanji's handiwork, seeing as it was barely readable. As soon as I entered the school whispers erupted left and right, no doubt it was friends trying to encourage their friend to come up and talk to me, as it had been all the previous years. Of course it is flattering in a way,if it weren't for the fact that I was as straight as a rainbow I probably would have said yes to some of them. Alas, I was dammed by the gods to be as gay as gay can be. On top of that my heart had been stolen a long time ago by certain ocean green eyes. Speak of the devil; he was standing at the end of the corridor, books covering most of his face as he struggled to keep hold of all of them. Immediately everything about my personality started to crumble, my palms started sweating and I was nervous. Nervous, I, Levi fucking Ackerman was actually nervous about talking to a guy, mind you a very attractive guy. Before I was ready for it I was standing right in front of him, and by the expression on his face I assume I was staring at him for more than a few seconds. I felt my face heat up as opened my mouth,

"Need any help with those?" Not exactly the question I was planning on asking but it was something at least, confusion riddled his face as he was probably trying to figure out if I was tricking him. Needless to say my reputation wasn't the nicest. 

"Sure." He still looked uncertain as he handed over the stack of surprisingly heavy books over to me. He spent a minute or two just putting all his books into his locker, neither of us saying a word. After all the books where set away he turned his dazzling eyes to me,

"Thank you Levi." My name sounded so incredible when he said it, snap out of it, I shook my head,

"No need to thank me Eren." He started to turn away and in a blind panic I grabbed his forearm, causing him to turn back to face me once more. He looked at me with a questioning glance, "Eren, will you be my Valentine?" Blood rushed in my ears and the silence that followed was near deafening, say something, please. I silently begged as he just stood there looking at me. The seconds that passed felt nothing short of hours, until finally he simply raised his shoulders, a blush evident on his cheeks,

"Yeah sure, why not." And with that he walked away, leaving me alone in the now empty corridor, heart racing and a smile on my face. Of course my short lived happiness was broken by the bell, signalling that it was time for the first class and yet even double math couldn't do anything to foul my mood. 

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