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Authors Note: Hey guys, so so sorry about late updates, my life is absolutely chaotic at this moment. I have theater rehearsals until late every night and a load of tests, so again sorry!! I might make a second part to this one to show the actual dance, this one is more about the actual asking part. This is actually based on my life right now, I'm planning on asking this guy to a formal dance so this is the outcome I am praying for! Enjoy!

Nerves flew up my body, my stomach was in knots and honestly I could throw up. Levi, my best friend, was standing just across the room from me reading in the script we had gotten for the theater show. His intense grey eyes flicked across the page and his brow furrowed slightly as he turned the page. This one guy had turned my life upside down, he had made me feel happiness I never even knew I could feel. And I could ruin our three years of friendship with this one question, it wasn't just Prom, it was what it implied that I was asking him. People had constanly cheered me on, saying that he deffinetley liked me, but it always feels like they don't truly know what they are talking about it. Heck I didn't even know if he wanted to go to Prom in the first place, he really didn't like social places like that.

I fideld with my phone, peeling back the sticker I had on the back, thousands of time I had played this situation in my head. Each time a different out come, sometimes it was amazing and he had said yes with tears in his eyes, other time I imagined him punching me with a look of disgust. I was petrified to say the least, which out come would be the one in reality? Which one would happen?

Levi suddenly started to walk over to me, script in hand and frown in place. My face immediately twitched up in a nervous smile,

"Hey Levi." I waved awkardly, smile wavering when his glare reached my eyes. "What's wrong?" Levi opened his mouth a couple times before signing heavily and looking to the right of my face,

"Listen Eren, I need to ask you something and I want you to hear me out all the way." I nodded uncertainly, excitment and fear coursing through my body, "You remember three years ago when you were the only one to talk to me when we joined middle school?" again I nodded not wanting to say anything that would stop him, "The very first thing I noticed about you was how beautiful your eyes were, and then how amazing your smile was. Then I started to think how lucky I would be if you would continue talking to me. Now three years later, your eyes still light up my darkest days, your smile still the most amazing thing in my life. And now I can't help but think how lucky I would be if you said yes to being my date to Prom." Tears welled up in my eyes, I was speachless, literally, I couldn't formulate any coherent speech. I nodded my head feverishly, not wanting him to think for a single second that my answer would be no. Arms wrapped around my body as tears leaked from my eyes.

"You're such a cry baby Eren." Levi said while ruffling my hair, I laughed shakily into his shoulder, tears still flowing. We stepped apart a smile high on both our faces,

"Levi, you won't believe this but I was legit about to ask you the same thing." An even bigger smile spread over Levi's face,

"Beat you to it then." And with that he walked out of the class as the bell rang, leaving me alone, practically levitating with sheer happiness. My dream had finally come true, the outcome was one that even I could never have dreamed of, it was too perfect. And yet it had happened, happiness was welling up in my chest and honestly I had no idea what to do with myself. Was this love?

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