Drive through

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Well, I think I owe y'all more than an apology... umm yeah. SORRY!! I know that I've promised stories and sequels and here I am having left you guys for almost more than a YEAR. Ahem, yeah, my bad. I could list millions of reasons and apologies but you know what, I think the best thing I can do for y'all right now is just give you all some pure and heartwarming ereri. (ps I love you all so much, reading your comments for an hour is honestly what inspired me to come back, I never thought my shitty writing would be enjoyable for anyone except myself, thank you, every one of you, for proving me wrong.) Also I will try to write a part three eventually, I'm just inspired for something different right now. (pps I've never been to a drive through so I really don't know if this is accurate, don't come for me pls)

Now, here's the thing with being me. It's all great and amazing when you take in the factors of being healthy, having a roof over my head, food, education, you know the drill, and yet when you take into account my super unhealthy crush on a drive through personnel, it all crumbles into nothing.  Sure the tacky costume and the automated response with a tone like a serial killer doesn't exactly scream 'SEX!', I still can't seem to formulate a single sentence when those piercing eyes bore into my own. As I said, unhealthy.

It was cold as shit outside, snow bruskly carpeted most of the grassy lawns, leaving the concrete wet and slippery, prime for a clumsy person like yours truly to slip and die on. As I tottered down the street, looking like a 1-year-old with a weighty diaper, trying not to slip and actually break every bone in my body, I saw that the neon lights of the drive-through were still glowing, dimmed only slightly by the gentle snowfall. Could you walk through a drive through, is that a thing? A walk through, oh, wait, aha, that's called a restaurant, nevermind. I chuckle at myself, I am after all the funniest person in the world, at least to myself, only to myself... ANYWAY, let's stop that train of thought right there. I shuffle along, my school bad weighing me down, physically, and mentally. Last year at school. Until three more years of university, whoop! Life's great! 

Homework and minute by minute planning of doing said homework swam around my head, it was the only way I could keep calm and actually attempt at finishing all the work. My hands ached from the cold and I tried to stick them deeper in my pockets, desperate for some sort of warmth in this damned January weather. Snow flickered and dusted my nose and hair with white, chilling my whole body as it slowly melted and dripped down my neck. 

I finally reached the drive-through entrance, the harsh neon bathing my rosy cheeks in an orange light, if only I hadn't taken the bus this morning, it was Friday, he works on Fridays. As I mentally scolded myself I felt the heat of headlights on my back as they cast my shadow over the small restaurant. I huffed and decided not to embarrass myself further and simply move along and get home before I lose a limb from frostbite. 

---the next day---

My bed covers lay heaped around me, covering everything but the tip of my nose which was rosy and cold, insulated walls my ass. I'd dreamt about him again, it's getting to the point where the three times I've actually talked with him seem like a full on dialogue rather than just him doing his job and me trying to order food. Embarrassing, I know. People always talk about crushes as something cute and innocent, me? I just turn into the number one person he should get a restraining order for.  Though of course, this is all happening in my head, he probably doesn't even know I exist, I know! So stereotypical, if only this was a romance movie and everything ended up being perfect. If only...

I grabbed my phone, took it off airplane mode (apparently my mom had read an article about the radio waves or some bullshit, better be safe than sorry) and looked at all the glorious texts, I didn't receive. Wow, there was a youtube notification, 'NEW ALIEN SPECIES UNCOVERED?!', don't judge me till you have proof they don't exist. A boy can dream okay? 

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