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Author's Note: Okay so in this one I feel that Levi is slightly out of character, sorry about that. Any who, enjoy!

A sigh escaped my mouth as my attention fixed on the pouring rain outside, the rain I'd have to walk home in, great. The biology teacher rambled on about some useless crap I would never use in my day to day life so I blocked her out. I had wired one of my headphones through my black sweater sleeve and acted as if I was simply resting my head on my hand when in reality I was keeping my headphone snugly in my ear, soft music playing through it. Right now it was a soundtrack for some movie I had seen recently with Mikasa and Armin, who were both in Uni by now, I the youngest of the three was left to finish my senior year in high school. The school bell finally rang, signally the end of the day. I hurriedly stuffed my biology folder in my bag and slung it over my shoulder. I walked out the building, saying bye to a few friends here and there and made my way outside to the pouring rain. I put both earphones in my ears, some fitting depressing music started to play, probably a death scene in the movie. I put my head down and started my long walk home, homework and chores awaiting me when I would finally would get there, oh joy. 

-----Time skip brought to you by Sasha's potato garden-----

I was halfway home, my hair was soaking, just like the rest of me. Shivers ran all through my body as I continued on my way home, music now changed to a more heavy metal genre. Clouds littered the sky, cars rode by and people hurried past. Everyone so caught up in their own little world, myself included, I didn't hear the approaching footsteps nor did I feel the hand on my shoulder until I was turned around to face none other than Levi fucking Ackerman, high school dream boat, effortlessly perfect in absolutely everything he does, everyone loves him, teachers practically throw A's at his feet as soon as he enters a class, all the girls want to be with him and most guys want to be seen around him. Keep in mind I said 'most' guys, I tended to avoid everything to do with him, partially because he's my neighbor, and partially because my body seems to malfunction whenever I even glimpse his raven hair or hear an echo of his voice. My heart would race, my breath would become irregular, my palms would grow clammy and my mind would wander down roads I wouldn't want, seeing as I am after all just a childhood friend of his, nothing more. Levi snapped his fingers in front of my eyes, drawing my attention to his own grey ones. I quickly pull out my earplugs to listen to what he was saying,

"Eren, what the fuck are you doing, why the hell are you walking without a jacket or even a fucking umbrella?" His deep yet miraculously silky voice numbed my mind yet made it the most attentive it had ever been.

"Well, um I didn't know it was going to rain, so um yeah." I scratched the back of my head and looked down, realizing only now that there wasn't rain pouring down on me, it hadn't stopped raining, no the pitter-pattering was loud as ever, I turn my head up and saw that Levi was holding a black umbrella above our heads. I blush slightly as how close we were under it, our bodies only a few steps apart. 

"Tch, well I'll just have to walk you home then, considering we live right next to each other there would be no reason to let you wander around in the filthy weather and get even more drenched." He didn't wait for my response and just started to walk in the direction of our homes. 

-----Small time skip brought to you by some pink sheep-----

The walk was quite, both of us silently walking home, my heart had finally stopped racing but my hands were still clammy and shaking a little, how on earth could one guy have this effect on me, it wasn't normal, hardly even natural. 

"Eren, what happened?" He suddenly stopped walking and looked me dead in the eye, causing me to stumble and almost fall, his hand grabbed my arm and brought me back up before I could hit the wet concrete.

"What?"It took me few seconds to get rid of the emarassment of how god damn clumsy I was, notheless,  I was beyond confused and my head was racing with what he meant. I

"I mean, we were so fucking close as kids, what happened to that?" I laugh nervously as I understand his question, it was really obvious to me what had happened, I was surprised he didn't get it.

"Well, you grew up to be smart, cool and attractive," I cringed internally as I realized that I had just the word 'cool', whelp I'm fucked. Levi just smirked slightly and cocked an eyebrow looking at me with an unreadable expression in his eyes, "And, well I grew up to be the opposite I suppose." I didn't want to elaborate as I looked anywhere but him, heat rising to my face as a silence stretched out between us, the only sounds were the passing cars, our breathing and the insisting sounds of the rain hitting the umbrella above our heads. A loud sigh made me look back to Levi, startled to find that he was looking right at me.

"Some things never change I suppose." I furrowed my brow in confusion, "Do you remember, when we were ten, your birthday? I got you that bag," he motioned over to my school bag, I nodded softly, I do remember, that's the main reason I haven't changed bag in the last 8 years, "I can't believe you still use it," Levi smiled, Levi actually fucking smiled, my chest clammed up and my heart pounded faster than I thought was humanly possible, I hadn't seen Levi smile since we were kids, before high school, before everything I suppose. "I still really miss those days, when we would go out to the park and climb trees, how I would always have to carry you home after you would fall out of the tree as the fucking dumb-ass you are." His smile never left his lips, in reality it just seemed to grow more genuine by the second. 

"I miss that too Levi." I looked him in the eyes, surprised at how stable my voice sounded when my whole body was slowly falling apart in front of his smile. 

"Fuck it" Levi whispered almost too softly for me too hear. I only had a second to think about what he had said before, his arms were tightly wrapped around my waist and his lips on mine. On instinct I kissed back before realization dawned on me and I pushed him away from me, my arms folded, lip out in a pout and face blushing wildly,

"W-what t-the f-fuck Levi?! You c-can't just k-kiss someone like that!" I stutter out, trying desperately to stand my ground but failing miserably as he just looked at me, amusement painted on his features, 

"You liked it." He said as he got closer to me, I couldn't react and just stared at him, his eyes seemingly glowing with sheer confidence, 

"Whatever." I managed to huff out before he kissed me once again, his sent, everything about him was infiltrating and overriding my senses, that was until he moved away suddenly, ending the kiss and started walking again, leaving me in the rain, staring at where he used to be. I regained what little composure I had left and turned to confront him, only to trip on my own shoe laces and fall face first into a puddle, I groaned as I tasted dirt in my mouth and turned on my side, only to be met by a laughing, actually laughing, Levi. He reached down and pulled me up to a standing position, but a dull ache in my left leg caused me to hiss slightly in pain. Levi just sighed and picked me up bridal style, my weak protests doing nothing as he held his umbrella out to me, I took it and held it up for us as he continued walking us home,

"Somethings really never change."

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