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Authors Note: Hello my dearies! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 300+ READS!!! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! Honestly, you guys make me so incredibly happy. For those who are wondering about my personal situation... well, I really don't know what to do with myself, for now being his friend is the most important thing. Whatever happens, happens. Anyway, Levi and Eren are on a date in a very special location to Eren... Enjoy!

"Leviiii, Where are we going?" I fidgeted impatiently with the end of the blindfold that was wrapped carefully around my head. The car engine continued to hum in the silence that followed, he hadn't told me a thing, just said that he had something to show me. The anticipation was killing me.
A few more minutes passed in the painful silence, when suddenly a certain smell that I had never smelt before reached my senses, it was it was a mix between salt and some form of rotting plant. Confusion tingled through my whole body. Where on earth where we going?
As soon as the thought formed in my mind the car came to a steady halt. The humming of the engine disappeared leaving the only sounds the steady breathing of Levi and I, and something else, something foreign I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
Levi's hand met mine and he started to stroke over my palm comfortingly,
"Now I've wanted to bring you here for a while, I know how special it would be for you so I wanted to make sure I did it at the perfect time.  I figured out five year marriage anniversary would be the best time. Seeing as five is both our lucky number." I smiled fondly, "what is it? Why are you smiling",
"Levi dear you're rambling again. Just show me will you? I'm sure whatever it is it will be lovely." Levi gently squeezed my hand before letting go of it, he got out of the car and went around to my side of the car to help me out of it, seeing as I was still blindfolded. Our hands remained linked as he guided me to wherever it was that we were going, a breeze was gently ruffling my hair and the foreign sound kept on getting louder, my curiosity was about to make me pull the blindfold off. Alas, Levi beat me to it. He stopped walking and released my hand once again, 

"Okay, I'm going to take it off now." He reached behind my head and started to undo the blindfold. As soon as it came off my eyes shut quicker than I thought was humanly possible, the searing white light of the sun battered onto my eyelids until they slowly became accustomed to it. I gently tried to open them again, managing finally to open them fully, and what I saw made my eyes tear up. In front of me lay something I had only ever seen in movies, only ever read about in books, and now here it was, clear as day. Seagulls raced above our heads, screeching in all their might, the sapphire waves of the ocean crashing steadily down into the golden sand. My breath seemed to leave my body and my eyes dripped with unconscious tears, it was beautiful. I had never seen anything like it, never dreamed of seeing it. The ocean had always been so far away from where I was, and yet, here it was. So close, it seemed as if it was merely a few paces away. 

All the while Levi remained silent, captivated completely by how beautiful his lover was, how lucky he was to have found someone as extraordinary as this man in front of him and be able to call him his own. To be able to hold the hand of such an angelic person was a greater privilege than anything in this world, to be able to fall in love with the man of your dreams and him do the same is something beyond words, something that cannot be explained no matter how many words are used. 

"Levi?" My voice was quite, nothing above a whisper,

"Yes?" His voice too was soft, as to not disturb the astounding beauty of this single moment that will live on for an eternity,

"Can we go down?" I motioned to the water, not shifting my gaze whatsoever from the mesmerising crashing of the waves. 

"Of course my love." He gently pulled me with him down the small hill, our feet sliding on the fine sand. The closer we got to the water the faster my heart started to beat, we were only a few steps away now, the sand was getting harder under our feet. And finally there I stood, my feet at the edge of the vast expanse of blue, the water lapping gently at my feet, I closed my eyes, the sound of the crashing waves, the feeling of Levi's hand in my own, this was a moment I could live in forever. 

Levi had run back to the car only to return with a blanket and a picnic basket filled to the brim with food. My love for him grew even further than I thought possible. We sat down on the soft blanket, the sea gently moving in front of us, candles were placed careful around us, the sun was starting to set. My hand was placed on top of Levi's, my head on his shoulder and his head on mine, our shoulder touching. We watched as the sky erupted in astounding colours, red, purple, orange, pink, they all clouded the sky, creating a work of art that not even the most talented artist could create. The sun fell further and further down the sky until it lay on the water, its colours cascading over the whole sea, illuminating it with the brightest reds and pinks I have ever seen. Slowly the sun descended fully under the water, the colours fading along with it only to be replaced by millions of stars all shining in the black night sky, covering the ever moving sea in a soft blanket of charcoal.



"I love you."

"I love you too, Eren, I love you so incredibly much."

 No matter the astonishing beauty of the sea, no matter the beauty of the stars above our head, the man right beside me will forever be the most beautiful and breath taking view of them all. 

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