Useless Bully

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A/N: Hello my lovelies. Right, so I should apollogize first off, I have been unactive for more than a month now. Yes, I could probably make up a million excuses as to why that happened but most importantly I'm back now and am seriously planning to start doing frequent uploads again. I do have some writers block so if my writing isn't as good??? I dunno if it just doesn't seem the same that may be why. Anywho, THANK YOU FOR 700 READS!!! You guys keep on making me smile and keep me wanting to write as often as possible. Enjoy!

TRIGGER WARNING: some harmful language (towards the LGBTQ+ community) and physical harm

PS: I am by NO means trying to romanticize bullying, however this story line came to mind and I thought that it was interesting and cute so yeah. Sorry in advance if it does seem like that at certain stages.

The painful sound of the school bell ringing filled my whole body with ice, crap. I had to race quickly to my locker, get my books for next period and sprint to the boy bathrooms - the only safe place in this godforsaken school. Safe from what? Well let me introduce you to my living hell. Just as my foot leaves the classroom my body is slammed up against the wall right next to the class door, my breaths come out in short burst as my throat is being constricted by an arm. Who's arm? Well I'd like to introduce you to the one and only devil himself, Levi. He's the d*ck of the school and everyone knows it, especially yours truly. Why he picks on me specifically I guess we will never know, I like to think that maybe he's enacting some gay fantasy, who knows? I'm definitely not one to judge, no kink shaming here, no sir. Except the fact that his 'kinks' usually involve me getting into some very painful situations, which personally I think is kinda annoying, ya know? If he was really so intent about hurting others for his own pleasure couldn't he just go to one of those bbsm clubs or whatever they are called? Would be a lot less painful for me and probably a lot more enjoyable for him. I grimace at that mental image, which unfortunately results in a punch to the stomach as Levi brings me out of my thoughts. 

"The hell are you grimacing at, fag." The short demon spits at me,

"Oooh good one Levi, it almost hurt this ti-" My sarcastic retort got interrupted as Levi threw me to the ground, causing me to land painfully on my head. I groan in pain as he steps on my chest, the air getting pushed out of me. A few seconds pass and all the air has left my body, my ocean eyes are widened in fear and brimming with tears as I try to gulp for air, there's air all around me and somehow I can't get a single breath in. My vision starts to get blurry and dotted with black spots as I look at him pleading, his eyes widened a bit in realization that I seriously was about to pass out and he took his foot off my chest. My lungs claw for breath as I lie on the floor, my vision returning and lungs finally expanding with air. I doubt he did it out of the goodness of his heart, not that he has one, most likely he just isn't quite done with me yet. A sharp pain in my side caused me to yelp, he had landed a kick in my left side, yep. So deffinetly not out of the goodness of his heart. 


There you have it, that was actually just a couple weeks ago, now its the summer vacation and I am officially out of his reach, more or less. Some of his assh*le friends are still tripping me over in the streets and the such, but nothing as bad as the d*cklord himself. Not that I really give Levi a chance to do anything seeing as my summer mostly consists of me not moving a muscle and laying like a vegetable in bed doing nothing but read and cry about how amazing fictional characters are. Call me a hopeless romantic but I would much rather be swept of my feet by Finnic then be slammed to the ground by Levi. On the rare occasion that I do leave my bat cave, or so I like to call my poster infested room, it's usually simply because Mikasa is out of the house at that given point in time and there is no food left. 

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