Part 3

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We rushed to the emergency room. Jarod was losing a lot of blood. "Somebody please help! My boyfriend has been shot!" I said crying. Eyes bloodshot red. "Get the doctor!" One of the nurses said.
They took him to surgery. I called his mom and told her Jarod was shot. She rushed up there. Me and her mother were very close. She always thought that me and Jarod would get together, but it never happened. She didn't know we we're fuckin around. "What happened Ciara? What happened to my baby boy?" She said like she was about to cry. "I don't know Mrs. White. I don't know." I didn't want to tell her my ex shot him. That would bring hella trouble. See his momma moved weight too. She was the big boss around the city. Nobody fucked with her. Not even the other bosses around the town. They know she'll have them dead within seconds.
"We'll when I find out, they're dead. All of them." She said with rage. I knew she was serious. That's why I had to do it myself.
Its been hours. Nobody told us anything. Mrs. White called her strongest men and Jarod closest homeboy, Kendrick. That was his right hand man. Jarod would trust him with his life. "Can I talk to you Ciara?" He said pulling me to the side. He whispered, "Who the fuck did this and I know you know Ciara.. Don't lie to me."
I just looked at him trying not to cry. "Tell me Ciara!" He shouted. "It was Mario!" He looked at me, with so much hate in his eyes. He was about to blow. "Ima kill him. I'll make him pay for what he did to my brother!"
"No!" I said. He looked at me confused. "Let me do it. I want to see him suffer. He tried to kill the man I loved." I said with much hate. He looked at me, knowing I could do it. He seen how much I needed this. "Okay CiCi, but you better get him before mama White get to him." He said.
"I already heard everything Kendrick," Mrs. White said. I was startled when I saw her with a smile on her face. "Are you sure you can do this Ciara? If not I can get my best men on it." "No. I got it Ma." I said with confidence. "Okay. I believe in you."
I knew where he would be. He would be at his penthouse outside of the city. I turned off my lights and drove up slowly. "Okay little bitch. Be prepared to meet the devil you bastard." I said cocking my gun back.
I walked up to see his car in the driveway. I was ready to see his ass dead after what he did to Jarod. I went through the back to see his ass in the kitchen getting drunk of his ass. Luckily I knew he had a key under the mat. I pointed the gun at him and he turned around and looked at me shocked. "Die mothafucka!" And I shot him in the chest. I emptied the clip. I walked up to his twitching body, "see you in hell." He died right there.
I walked back to the car and seen my sister pull up. Next thing I know I heard her scream. I smiled and drove off.
Next thing I know, my phone rung. It was Kendrick. "Ciara! He's out of surgery and he's awake! He wants to see you." I rushed to the hospital.
I walked to the room and seen he was fine even after all of that. He was a strong individual. "Baby your okay!" I said running to him hugging him on his bed. "Yes baby I'm fine." He said with a smile on his face.
I look to the side of the room and seen a woman in the shadows. She looked 5 months pregnant. "Who is she?" I said confused. "I'm his babymama!" She said with a whole and a half attitude. I looked at him confused he looked at me hurt.

To be continued.

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