Part 15

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Ciara POV
I couldn't believe him. I was so heartbroken, I left without looking back. I couldn't deal with the lies anymore. I haven't been back to that house in two months. I haven't heard from Mica or Jarod. But I guess that because I changed my number. Malik is getting bigger. He's 9 months now. That's my baby right there, but it's hard taking care of him since I'm pregnant. Morning sickness is one horrible ass thing. Malik is trying to talk. All he does is spit. He keeps me going. "What you wanna do today little man?' I said. "Baaaaaaaa." He said. "Well the mall it is."
I haven't really moved out the city, but I moved miles away from that house. I didn't want him or her around me. They're dead to me.
We get in the car and drive to the mall. I planned on buying him some clothes because he growing to fast. We park in the front of the mall. I get Malik out and head in. The first store I went to was the Gymboree. They had the cutest shit. I was in love. I bought almost everything in there. I walk out the store to see someone staring at me. He was tall and dark with glasses. I didn't know them so I walked the other way. They started following me in the mall. Luckily it was a lot of people so I can dodge him. I started to run and I seen the way to the bathroom. I hid in there until he was gone. Malik looked at me. "That was close wasn't it?"
He smiled at me. I walked out the bathroom and rushed to the car. I headed back to my apartment. I open the door and seen a note on the floor. I picked it up and it read "Baby I'm sorry that I lied to you. Im sorry that I didn't tell you I slept with Jamica. I'm sorry that I lied to you. I miss you dearly. Please meet me tonight at downtown park with Malik and I will tell you everything. Yours truly."
My heart couldn't do nothing but flutter. I missed him, but I was, tired of being lied to. "Should I go see him?" Malik smiled at me. "I hoped you would frown." I walked into the room to see a black dress on the bed. "Wear me" It said on a piece of paper. I rolled my eyes and put it on. I did my makeup then got little man dressed and headed out. My mind was saying no, but my heart said otherwise. I pull up to the park to see him in a suit. Dreads braided
to the back, looking very crisp. But you can tell that he hasnt slept in days. He turns around to see me and Malik. His smile was so beautiful I couldn't help but stare. He started to walk towards us. Malik starts to go crazy! He started screaming, trying to jump out my arms to Jarod. Jarod picked him up. "Oh man I missed you too!" He kissed him on his cheek. He looked at me with those hazel greens eyes. "And I missed you." He said to me. I looked at him and I instantly fell in love again, but I cant take no more lying. He tried to kiss me, I pulled back. Mmmmm we not there no more." I said. "Well what can I do to change your mind?" He said. "I want you to tell me what happened between you and Jamica." I said.
He sighed. "It was before we started hooking up and you told me you liked me. She was walking with you after school 6 years. I looked at her and she looked back. She was very pretty, but I didn't think nothing of it. That night I saw her at the club with some nigga, but she was trying to get away. He started to push up on her and dragged her out the club."
I remember her telling me that but I didnt know it was Jarod.
"I went to go grab her but he wouldn't let her go. I had to fight him off. He busted my lip but that was it. She wanted to repay me, but told her no. She insisted. So I followed her home. I thought she was gone come back with money or something but she came back naked and in heat. You know what happened after that."
It was very silent after that. "Why didn't you tell me?" I said.
"Because I didn't think you liked me. Ciara I loved you since we were kids but I didn't know how to tell you. Plus I didn't think you liked me anyway."
"Boy. I loved you all my life. That's why I always hung around you. Then we became bestfriends, so I had you in my life. That's all I ever wanted."
He looked at me and I looked at him.
"I love you." I said.
He looked me deep in my eyes and he kissed me. The kiss was so deep. We never kissed like that before. After we got done kissing, I heard a gun shot. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked down to see me bleeding. Jarod looks at me then my stomach. His eyes were wide. I fell to the ground and everything went black.

To be continued.

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