Part 10

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Jarod POV
"Hurry up! We gotta follow the limo!" I said. I was pissed off. They shot my nigga. I was ready to kill a muhhfucka. We all got in the car and sped down the street. "The limo couldn't have gotten far." Chris said. I wondered why he was so mad, but hell we all just got shot at, who wouldn't be. "I want that bitch DEAD!" Chris said. "What's wrong son, calm down." I said. "Naww fuck dat, she was in there! Speed this bitch up!"
"Who your moms!?" I said with rage. He shook his head, loading his gun. Now that I knew she was in there, I had to speed this bitch up. She tried to kill my family and I'm not letting that shit slide. I hit the gas going 90. I finally see the limo. Before I could do anything, Chris started to shoot at it, but it was no use. "Damn," he said, "bulletproof glass. How we gone kill his now?"
One thing you can say about me, is I come prepared. I had grenades in the back. "Aye Ken, you aight back there?" I asked. "Yeah I'm good just a flesh wound." Kendrick said. "Good, pass me them grenades." I said. He handed Chris the box. I had at least ten of em in there. I sped up a little more to get close to the limo. I got close enough to where he can throw it on the sunroof. But before he could, Rico's bikers we're right behind us.
The bikers shot at the car. Kendrick and the other nigga, shot back. The bikers we're on each side of the car and started shooting inside. They shot Kendrick again. He was down, he couldnt shoot anymore. "Fuck this!!" Chris said. He opened the car door and got on the roof. The biker was about to shoot until Chris jumped on the back of it and snapped dude neck. He rode to the other side of the car and shot the other biker. "That's how you do it my nigga!" I said, adrenaline pumping.
Chris drove up to the side of the limo and was about to throw the grenade in. As soon as he was about to, the limo ran into him. He almost fell off the bike, but caught his balance. Rico rode down the window and shot Chris. "Fuck!" He screamed out. He fell off the bike. "Damn." I said. I kept following him. Next thing I know, I see him coming out of the sunroof. What he brings with him is a goddamn bazooka!
"Oooohh shit!" Me and Kendrick said. He points the bazooka our way. "Bye-bye!" Rico says and shoots it. Me and Kendrick jump out and the car blew up. He sped off. I knew I couldn't catch his ass now.

Ciara POV
It's been hours now and they haven't called yet. I was getting worried. "Why haven't they called ma?!" I said getting worried. As soon at I said that, they bust through the door. "Call the damn doctor ma!" Jarod said. I look to see my brother on the table, bloody, scarred up and unconscious. Tears began to fold. "Baby you don't need to see this." Jarod said to me. I pushed him away trying to get to my brother. Mica came down stairs and grabbed me. "We're losing him, I have no fuckin pulse." Jarod said, "Where's the doctor!!!!?? "

To be continued.

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