Chapter 2

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Sometimes you regret things. It depends on the situation, either its for petty things or things that had adverse effect on you. In my case, I can say my reasons are rather stupid but only I can know their intensity. For example, I regret taking an off today, I regret suppressing my conscience of something strange, I regret listening to this despicable creature., I regret not walking out, I regret being weak, I regret being helpless, I regret having no such courage to slap Stark right on his face.

In, fact I regret everything that has happened today. My worst fears are burning high now. Its been 12 years and still I fell the tight kind of knot in the pit of my stomach. Who would have thought that the past I left behind was the crucial ingredient in shaping my future. Shaping my character. Because at a point I blame Alberto for me not making friends. For me staying away from people , scared to trust the moment. Having no boyfriends. Having no direction.

"How dare you? Despite knowing the immeasurable loathe I hold against you, you still could think of a marriage?"

He puts on a serious look that leave me leaning against the seat. Why was I scared of him? But there was something terribly dark in his nature. Not only me but rather anyone who can sit in a closer radius around him can feel that.

"As said Emerald I have my reasons, but for you to know that you should accept my proposal"

"over my dead body, you cannot threaten me Alberto, I can file a case!"

he looks at me with an amused expression

"I like to see you try."

I was growing tired of this. We are like oil and water. We just cannot be. There is so much wrong in just imagining the possibility , I cant compromise on myself in regards to my self respect and dignity.

"why me? I am sure you have plenty of women around who are more than willing to marry you"

I avoid looking into his eyes, knowing those lasers can look right through my soul. A moment of silence passes between us.

"and there are none like you"

Was he complementing me? Or stating a fact, because for a second I felt it natural.

I take in deep breaths,

"No, I am sorry. Rose is very close to me and I love her terribly, I will protect her with my ability and extent. I am not so weak that you can bring down whatever notions you have in terms of blackmailing me"

"not even for money. I know that you are in desperate need for money, rose is suffering from Kidney Failure."

I wasn't mercenary but at the moment I could have given it a second glance. Marriage is a section I haven't thought about, for more that half of my life. I see myself fading in the debts on reality and life. Love and after weren't my cup of tea. But...and...this is with Alberto. The boy I hated all my life. Somehow what he did affected me the most.

I observe his tanned skin and bulging muscles. He was no more a boy now but a man. A handsome one too. He had a very big frame, It seemed funny to see his body mould in this clumsy space. he was big, huge, tall and whatever that goes by the name ideal. But for me he was a tainted, with a double face.

With what hope was he even expecting this, I need to know the reason. I was not interested, definitely not but the least I could afford to justify my actions, having a clue on what actually this was!

"I need to hear it out, and if not then I leave."

"you! Cant pester me around. I will at the right time, now be a good little girl and accept whatever I can offer and vis-a-versa"

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