Chapter 21

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I felt my heart pace increase, the moment Alberto invaded my space I knew he lost last bit of his self control. Helpless tears cascade down my cheeks making me sob timidly. I feel his rock hard chest glued to mine all the while he had his face buried in my neck. His hands firmly rested on my hips making it impossible for me to move an ounce.

Silence. Everything was so silent but it was burning, a silent warning was burning too loud. I tried to minimize my groan pitches but my hiccups just wouldn't stop. Alberto was purposely dragging his lazy fingers everywhere.

They played with the hem of my dress and my neck while his other hand on my waist was going higher and higher every possible second.

We are now in his study while Rose and Dane are locked up in dungeons for trying to pry me away from him. People hardly faced against us afraid of not withstanding their alpha's explosion and too ashamed to see their Luna cry.

He groaned making me lean back. I was afraid of him, this disgusting man had no limits. This was supposed to have a closure but Alberto had just trapped me in it. I peek a glance at him afraid that if I look him in the eyes I will not be able to stop the outcome

His stubble was hurting my cheeks, the friction was making me grow hot and bothered just about everywhere. He looked deadly now, seven months have transformed him into a wilder animal and honestly all I can think about right now is how determined he looked when he stated the words that put my heart on a pause.

I swallowed hard. What now.. Why did he drag me to his study making me sit on his lap.. Being his territorial self. I need to stop
this.. It was by going way to far.

"I need you Emerald its impossible for me to control it now" I shivered, his voice was growing thicker and was testing me

"Alberto, we cannot.. I" his grip on my waist tightens and I feel myself growing alert, he was hanging on a thread now

"No" tears roll down my cheek when I hear his dark voice reverberate with a rigid finality. He practically could be taking me by force.

"we never could bond, I am sorry for leading you on but please you need to let me go. I promise you have a bright future with a right girl" I was begging him now, the realization had me filled with self loathe but this was the last try, one last time

Not even a second passes and I find myself flipped, it was me who was sitting on the chair and Alberto looking at me with his dark eyes and desires floating. I gulped, his emotions were too strong to be human anymore his face reflected an Internal war he was having. He inched closer and angled my jaw closer to his lips, I stop breathing it was too intimate

"let me rephrase it Emerald, I said No, No for giving you up and No for letting you go and don't you for a second think that I would take any female other than you. Get one thing straight what is going to happen its inevitable, you are given to me, you breathe because I need you, your very existence is for me and I own you completely. "

That shook my core with unparalleled fear. And the next words had me completely at his mercy,

"I will kill myself Alberto, if you touch me again I wouldn't hesitate to do that" his eyes changed colors, it grew more darker and more scarier.

He looked vulnerable at the moment and I felt proud of myself, I will not let him take me against my will. Whoever he maybe, I own me and I decide who I want to share my bed with.

Soon his vulnerability transforms to anger, his lips curl into a evil smirk making my expression drop.

"Maybe I have got an idea honey.. Why don't I get done with mating you right this moment and later chain you to me. I will not let you to leave me alone Emerald. We are trapped together forever"

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