chapter 11

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The one thing that always provokes me is indiscipline. I hate reminding people about their need to put on with a decent attitude. I have a tendency to hold on grudges, its better no one gets on my bad side. I am an alpha for a reason. I am a born leader and I hate the fact when people don't acknowledge it. And when that does happen they need to face the consequences of dealing with my merciless beast.

A similar fate would be suffered with this stinking traitor my mate's mother played her cards for. I mask my expressions looking at him with an angry eye but a cold composure. He dared to hurt my mate, and that's a terrible mistake. He messed with the wrong guy and I would love to make him realize that.

A wicked smile crosses across my face, who said I was a saint. I would cut his very nerve making him undergo ten times of what I went through. My jaw clenched remembering the disgust in Emerald eyes when I touched her and that fueled me till no extent. I wanted to take her forcefully then, remind her who she truly belonged to. But, I had to refrain because a week more and she would be begging for my touch. She would be on her knees just to feel my hands all over her, and then I would torture her to no end. Revenge for the bruise of being denied is fair, well she has a lot to pay.

"I talked to Alpha James about it, he said that there wasn't a way out."

I laced my fingers together and gave him a warned look,

"That doesn't make you less of culprit. You charged the wolf community of a horrendous accusation. Sleeping with a mated female is a crime. You should have known this yet you chose otherwise."

He splits the pile of blood in his mouth, gritting his teeth,

"It wasn't my decision alone-it takes two to tangle"

I got straight from my seat rising to meet his cunning blue eyes.

"She was weak. You shouldn't have killed her mate in first place, you disrupt the laws of nature and there is no greater sin than that. You killed Alpha Brett before he could even meet his mate and what's worse you know bastard? You tried to push your stinking claws into my mate's life and that's a big mistake"

I turn around facing the rusty iron rods of the dungeons. I feel Vincent waiting for my command to decide the fate of this foolish popper.

I close my eyes playing, what's been conspired these past few days. Every step I take towards achieving my target I find myself facing a greater threat. I was never scared to drive out recklessly until I get what I want yet this one time I have second thoughts regarding the direction I am heading to find the truth. Amanda has something that puts a pause to all of our secrets and ties, it's a risk we cannot afford.

I have the responsibility to dig out the reasons, which is the biggest concern of my kind but I find myself no where.

I found my mate, one I have been pretending and preparing to hate forever. I want all of her, but pity she doesn't want me back. I could give her anything she desires yet she chose to leave my side, which cannot be granted.

I don't believe the word love, its just a coat for lust.

I shake my head, leaving the topic for some other time. I had a load of shit to deal with. I had a responsibility which out weights the other trivial things. I give one look at Dane and mind link him to prepare this good for nothing monster for execution.

I evilly smirk processing the death I would offer Nick. It would far being a relief. I would cut all of his hands, those hands which tried to reach the flesh of what is mine. I would peel his skin making him realize the deed he committed was nothing but a suicide. I push my hands in my pockets and take strides to leave this place I find my peace in, where I can let the beast in me crave for the sinful deeds I want.

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