Chapter 4

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Slowly yet steadily I try and calm my breathing. Its still a question that why was I not having a panic attack, or being thrown into an asylum and importantly downright screaming in the halls. I feel it unrealistic but not insane. I can hear my heart pace increasing and that being the reason of curiosity not anxiety.

I hear the low growl from the animal in front of me. I slowly lift my eyes. It looks at me expectantly I felt myself being mesmerised, cobalt eyes which seem to call me closer. I was still sweating, hanging on for my dear life. My breathing comes out in shallow gasps yet an odd sense of comfort lingered in the atmosphere. Hesitantly first, I lift my hands and brush its silk black fur, and feel contended having it warm my skin. I give a nervous smile. Soon my fear turns into fascination, while the wolf leans more into my touch, I look around seeing that clumsy space it is enclosed in. and suddenly I feel the same cracking of bones resulting in Alberto standing in front of we, well in his glory. I look away trying to gain grip on what just happened.

I was not scared, I am not scared. Why? I should be. To stand in more dignified posture I decide to straighten my back.

"We need to talk. Personally" a muscular voice erupts.

Seems like I lost my vocal, I turn around to see him dressed in his usual suit and give a persuasive nod.

Just like the animal-he turned into his eyes hold hope and expectation. But this time, I restrain.

We open the door and walk out into a busy corridor. All the while, I tightly clasp my hands. Somewhere deep down the moment I have seen his claws, I knew this was bound to happen. But I felt like I was living in a dream, I would wake up in my cosy little apartment tomorrow and absorb in the routines of my life but I knew better than to juxtapose both of them. I couldn't understand or have the ability to detect, which life is more earnest. The one I have lived forever or the one I'm yet to.

But, My life will not remain the same, its for sure. I felt dizzy seeing Alberto be a wolf. The one who was the medium in my reality and childhood. It's a feeling I cannot describe, the racial part of my brain argues that this in mere terms is impossible, and yells at me to look past and pretend nothing of this sort happened. But the other one argues that this is something that was meant to happen all along. That I belonged in this abnormality, in this rare and unbelieving possibility.
" I am not aiding to your disturbing questions-- am I clear?"

I scoff.

"Get to the point" I cross my legs and sit in more concentrated position. The light weather in was helping in making the situation serious.

"I'm not a human. I ,like many others in your neighbourhood and world around belong to a community of werewolves"

He takes an opposite seat on the bench, stating calmly. The chilling atmosphere and the faint sun highlight his eyes. The birds chipper and I find myself absorbing the greenery we were residing at the moment.


"Many others in my community are humans, not animals." I acidly add.

He grips his bench tighter, is knuckles were pale white now. he gives me a heated look, warns me not to out step my boundary line.

"-- we are a spread out race, if that seems to convey my message more appropriately. Cutting it short, we are known as shifter, we act ,talk, eat like humans but not exactly fit in the picture. Our history precisely dates back to thirteenth century. Are you in to know the his-


I let my eyes drift to his phone, placed on the table. He flexes his muscle and checks in the caller. I take time observing his features. In no way does he remind me of the boy I met. The boy, who took care of me and then made it a joke. His hair, skin everything changed drastically. I surely couldn't recognise him now, in fact I did have that experience day or two back. He had certain roughness now.

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