Chapter 20

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Here we go..


His back. He is back..and I have to face him. He is back to rekindle our long lost promises, he is back to complete what he..


He cannot be back, I won't allow him to be back. I am not prepared to face him and I'm not prepared to think about him. This is not good, today was supposed to be a happy day. Why is he back, I was desperately hoping for him to never return, hoping that my eyes wouldn't recoil themselves staring at that monster.

Hoping that my heart wouldn't do strange assulats seeing him, hoping my mind wouldn't force me to kill him. I am a wreck now, I am not fierce enough to face him, he had eaten that courage away. He destroyed my esteem and I am weak enough to cry in front of that man rather than see him stare at me with those dark eyes which promise nothing easy.

Nothing I would approve..

"Luna, please..hear us out"


"We will be there with you Luna"

Oh no, everyone is a coward.

"Emerald trust me child I will not leave him alone with you yet"



they will


No one can protect me from him, not Rose or worse Dane none. I myself cannot. I need to know how to kill him the weakest link..I have to know his weakness.

I need something to hurt him, not by reopening his wounds, but a mental torcher. I want him to experience what being helpless and lost tastes like.

"I want to kill him." I whisper yell into Dane's years and I swear I do not want to make it quick..

"How do you..kill" suddenly Rose catches my shoulder and a tight slap is planted on my cheek. The sting could hardly be felt, I just wanted a..way out!

"You are being crazy Emerald, back to your senses now"



"You don't understand Rose he will..oh god he will"

"--not a word child just shut up and keep calm." She starts massaging her weakened temples while I sit there all the while existing in other releam completely

I was scared, it is clear and cut. I was scared of reliving all of those bitter piecesI learner to look past these past months. Rose thinks I am insane..what was wrong with me. I was holding onto something which is tender enough to break and that was hope..

Hope to erase all of those experiences.

I close my eyes shut and blocked rest of the world. I can face him, I can win this. I will not show him how affected I am about the monstrosity he so generously imposed on me.

I needed a plan. I want to get back, I wanted revenge. I need to break his walls

I need to break him. I want him weak and rotten. Broken and useless.

I want him damaged and I will get there all I have to be is patient.

This would be my last straw and it was absolutely weak but I had to take it anyway. There is only one way..

"Dane take me back"


The ride was tensed, none of us spoke a word. We were lost in deep thoughts on how a supposedly good day turned out to be so dark. The carefree atmosphere something we enjoyed was blowed out into puff, there was no room for happiness all that we could muster was a heart clutching wait, for something ulitmate. Rose and Dane had their jaw clenched and eyes distant, mine was far worse. I was drained of life, my cheer and spark were lost but the only sane thing I am holding onto is making him pay for touching me

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