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I owe this chapter to every one of you who patiently waited for Alberto and Emerald.

One year later...



I smile looking at Alberto and enjoy seeing him all worked up. His brown eyes crinkle looking at me with outrage and not accepting the fact that he lost against me. A laugh filled with pride and victory escapes my lips

"Told you sir no one can beat me in chess. I rule" I claps my hands and playfully wiggle my eyebrows. He doesn't reply and gets up from his wooden chair. I look around our room to find him grabbing his clothes for a hot bath

"I'm not joining you love have fun" I observe his posture growing alert and he  raises is brows rather arrogantly at me. An arrogance I fall for everyday.

"We both know I don't play fair Emerald. Give me what I want" He dominantly opines out. I fold my hands against my chest pushing my breasts up, his eyes fall on my cleavage and his eyes start changing colours

"But I play and rule fair my king" I place my hand on my heart and reply him with complete earnestness. His lips curl and he gives me his checkmate look. He starts unbuttoning his shirt which raises the temperature of the room. This is unfair he can't seduce me like that! Lord knows once I see his muscular torso..I'm gone..lost!

"Alberto no! Don't..don't do that!"My calm facade was slowly fading away. Oh-oh

"Come here my queen I'm at your service" I raise my eyebrows giving him an exasperated look! Seriously!

"Alberto you never serve, you make me serve you!"

A manly chuckle escapes out of his throat and I find him taking threatening steps towards me.

"No you..you won't" I try to threaten him, but the mighty alpha can never be scared of anything. His predatory gaze reminds of a man, who people fear. A man you don't mess with .

"Come on Emerald don't you enjoy having this.."his index finger points out towards his chest, and I try my very hard best not to imagine his beautiful six packs. His abs. His muscles which just crush me into—

No, don't think about them

I instantly run toward the other side of the room when I feel him cleverly closing the gap between us. He rolls his eyes. He, Alberto William Stark, the king of werewolves did that?! I just love him like this, so happy and so like the Alberto I have never known

He is my kind of man now

Totally mine

A smile spreads across my lips looking at how desperately he needed me. Alberto never stepped back from showing how much I meant to him. He never stepped back from blurting his perverted thoughts out, anywhere, anytime he likes..and the only answer he gives me is I'm his wife. His mate and his queen! Sometimes..Its heartwarming.

But now is not the time to gush over my husband. It's high time I teach him to accept failure. He just can't take it can he?! Chauvinistic pig! No wolf

"You lost Alberto..so no 'making you mine sessions'" I give him my ultimate no look which generally shuts him up but to my surprise he just starts running his hands through his hair giggling unstoppably.

"What are you laughing for sir?" Seriously I just can't figure him out sometimes

"Nothing, it's just that you look like a proper mother when you do that" I raise my hands in frustration, unbelievable, what is his point. He is talking nonsense. I just give him an 'get over with it' look and decide to head out. It's dangerous to be close to a turned on Alberto, he just wants what he wants and..he never stops. Just when I reached the wooden doors of our bedroom he instantly cages me into his arms making me gasp in surprise. Damn wolf's strength

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