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🎵🎶 Sherane 🎵🎶


Now playing;

Track: Sherane

Artist: Kendrick Lamar



Something told me this wasn't right, something told me I should'nt have come..

Maybe it was the yelling of my mother, or the cursing threats from my father that told me the consequences If I went out tonight...

The low voice in the back of my head that was telling me over and over "Chresanto you are not safe!, Get out of here!""You'll only find trouble"!


Despite of all that.

Here I was.

At this house party on El Segundo and Central, not alone, but trapped, leaning against the cold wall.

Such dim light with intoxicated young-ins flooding around me.


My eyes and attention, they were fixed, fixed on that "trouble" inches from me, minutes since I even arrived to this place...

As if a magnet, as if some type of yielding attraction I couldn't help but catch em..

Notice him..

Owning the credentials of strippers in Atlanta, Ass needing a hump from the jump he had me thinking sinful..

Soon the conversation was enticing

"Hello, my name is Chresanto".

He said, "No, you're handsome".

Pink lips brushing my ear, then soon he disappeared.

Arousing my thoughts, I bounced off the wall, vision scanning along the crowd, I found him dancing.

Aaliyah played in the background.

The slow music controlled his hips sway while I approached him.

Meters from him, the conversation soon began again.

"Where you stay"?

He said "Down the street from Dominguez High"

Okay, I know that's borderline Compton or Paramount

"Well is it Compton?"

"No," He replied.

So quickly started batting those beautiful brown eyes.

Shivers soonly ran down my spine, the feeling of hands slowly traveling up my thighs.

I couldn't help the thought of his legs wrapped around me, all hair pulled back, neck showing..


All of this now going through my mental.

I fastly caught his fingers into mine,

"What you trying to get into".

He didn't tell me..

Instead, he raised a brow.

Unloosened my grip and pulled out his cell, the two of us exchanging numbers.


One sex-filled, text messaging summer later


One summer has passed, and I couldn't do nothing but like him, love or lust, we fuck and exchange our words after we both bust those scream-filled nuts.

But it wasn't just that, we got to know each other.

He lives with his mom's, older siblings locked up, extreme violent background but that didnt stop me from falling.

O'l Boy had me wrapped around his finger but I had him trapped securely under.

Teeth slowly peeking out, I couldn't stop from grinning and slouching, my back sinking more deeper into the cushion of my mamas couch, lust-filled thoughts made me to pull my phone out.

Ignoring the voices of Martin and Gina escaping from the speakers of the TV screen, I payed attention to the words I typed to the boy who called me "papi".

"I wanna come over, what's up bae".

It was so hot & I'm currently turned on from the thoughts of yesterday.

Skin to skin, nails deep, moans bouncing out of control.


I pulled at the base of my jeans.

Focus was on the growing tent, but now on my phone screen.


So now I'm down Rosecrans buckled in a caravan.

Driving pass Alameda, my gas meter constantly blinking red.

My mind filled thoughts

I'm in need of a pump, and not in Perez's hand..

F' it

I got enough to get me through the traffic jam.

At least...

I hope.

Cause my pockets broke as a promise man.

Stopping at the light, I began to think about that sex.

Caramel nice thighs and my lips pleasuring his neck.

Music suddenly filled my ears, which informed me I got a text.

It was picture of Jacob's hand sliding down his tan chest, my eyes moved further the screen, immediately seeing his erect.

I jumped,

And groaned.

Almost ran the front bumper into this Corvette.

Sincerely apologizing, I gave the old white woman a sorry-glance, then I was on my way once again to go get my chance.

Trying to get this release, I pulled down this next street, I'm two blocks away and two-hundred fifty feet...

And six steps from where he stay.

I see him on his porch, silk back robe tied against his body.

He waved at me from across the street.

I watched him play with his hair-tie, black curls clasped, waiting from me.

Waiting from me to pull,

I pulled up to the curb, along with an eager smile on my face, I felt my fangs pressing on my bottom lip.

Un did my safety belt, only to stay frozen in my seat.

I see??????

Two niggas,

two black hoodies

approaching towards me.



If any one was wondering who was the two "niggas"

Jacob's two older siblings got out that day Lol

But I like this one-shot

And I love this song

And I am in love with Kendrick




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