Chapter twenty six

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They say we all have our secrets, and I have one of the biggest. They all believe that it was supposed to be Seth who betrayed Roman, Livia and me, well what if I told you that it was me? I know you'd think it was because I'm a so called lunatic. But you know what? I'm more than a lunatic, Callaway has been and always will be my greatest ally. Yeah I know, Livias pregnant with Roman's child, blah blah blah, who the fuck cares. Everyone thinks that the Wyatts and Callaway killed Renee, but it wasn't them, Roman and Seth did. They betrayed me first, so in order to do the right thing, Livia and that child must die. Yes, I know, Callaway wants Livia for his own purpose, but once that purpose ends, her life will end.
"Dean, what the hell are you doing out here?" Seth asked, concern on his face.
"Just thinking bro, needed to clear my head. How's Livia doing?"
"Only a few more days until the baby's here. But we've got to get to the council, we've just received some intelligence that someone has betrayed us from the inside."
"Who?" I asked.
"We think it might be Sami."
"Would make sense, he is Callaways brother, and Livias uncle."
"Wait what? How do you know that?"
"Must've heard it somewhere. I mean Livias mother was Callaways sister right?"
"You know I'm not sure anymore," Seth said, looking at me strangely.
"Well anyhow, let's get going, and get this taken care of.

Once we arrived at the Councils Chambers, Councilor Flair approached Seth. I saw them exchange worried glances and tense moments. But it wasn't until I felt Councilor Langstons hand on my shoulder that I realized what they had been whispering.
"Dean, how long have you known?"
"Ever since I met him."
"But why do this to Roman and Livia? We're your brothers."
"You both killed Renee. You knew I loved her. But because it was precious Roman's love, you couldn't kill her, so you had to take mine. You bastard, you cheat, you scum."
Charlottes hand went to Seths shoulder, "Let us finish this."
"No if anyone's going to kill him, it's going to be me," he said turning to me. "You betrayed your own brotherhood because you believed that Renee and you were the chosen ones. You couldn't deal with the fact that Roman and Livia were destined before they were even conceived to bring this world into new light. The child that Livia bears will be that, of pure light and love. Don't you see Dean, if Callaway kills the child she carries, we are all doomed. You'd be willing to kill an innocent child just because you lost the one you love?"
"Yes," I spat at him.
"Then you leave me no choice, brotherhood til the end, justice reigns today," he said, turning as flames rose around me, the flesh burning, my heart constricting, gasping for what air I could, in time, it all stood still, until darkness took me.

Hello all, just wanted to say thank you for the reads, likes, comments, etc. Also an FYI, we are nearing the conclusion to this story, but don't worry there are a few surprises left, one most certainly being the true identity of Callaway, and a few surprises left. And as always you shall find out the fate of Roman, Livia, and their currently, but soon to be born, daughter. Again thank you, and enjoy, the time is now, to get back to the story.

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