Chapter 25

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The next morning, it is a beautiful Monday, is one of those mornings I turn around twice before I finally can make myself stand up and take a shower. I fall asleep when I sit on the tube corner because I want to dry my feet. But I wake up a second later because I fall forwards onto the floor. When I dry my hair it gets into the hair drier and I stand there with half of my hair in the drier without any possibilities to get it back out of there. I stare at myself in the mirror and sigh. What is that for a day? I try to get as much of my hair out there as possible, then I take the scissor and cut the tips. I make my hair into a bun and then walk back into my room to take some clothes. But all my jeans are in the washer and I can only sigh again because I was to busy getting annoyed by Harry to take care of my clothes. I put on a short jeans, an oversized t-shirt and take then a pair of sneakers before I walk down the street to sit down in the chair of a hairdresser to get my hair fixed. They laugh at me and I also laugh at myself when I am back home in front of the front door without any keys. I knock at the door but Joss is not there, she does not open the door. And so I am phoning her.

“Hey” she says and giggles “what’s up?”

“Where are you?” I ask her and sigh deeply because I am just annoyed.

“Not at home” she answers “I am at Hazard with Josh. You can come over if you want.”

The name Josh brings up bad memories. I am sure I do not want to get over there right now.

“I forgot my keys and now can not get back into my room” I tell her and she laughs at me. I do not blame her for that, I am an idiot.

“Oh, I can come over and-.. wait, Josh says Harry is now leaving, he can take them to you” she tells me and I feel my neck hair standing it’s high. Harry? Coming here? No!

“No.. no, it’s ok. I will come and get it” I say and want to start walking.

“No, stay there, he’s fine with that for sure. Just wait there” she says and then ends the call. Great.

I do not know why she has so much fun ignoring the things I say to her.

I stay at the front door of the flat and wait for Harry to come around. And he does about fifteen minutes later. I am glad he is finally there but only because I need the damn keys.

“So you forgot the keys again?” he teases me and I ignore him. But he does not seem to like that much, because when I reach for the keys he takes them away and stares down at me with his dark green eyes. “I asked you something.”

“Would you please hand me the damn keys?” I hiss and do not care much about how I sound.

He raises his eyebrows. “What did you just say?”

I am not in the mood to play his silly games right now and I really would like him to just leave me alone. I mean, he wants me to be dead anyways, why can’t he just leave me alone then?

“I said give me the damn keys” I repeat my words and he stares at me in disbelieve, still not handing me the keys. He is such an asshole.

“I don’t like the way you’re talking to me” he growls, his mood is now bad again.

I roll my eyes. “Do I look like I care? Today is really not the day to play that game. Hand me the keys and leave me alone.”

“Only because you have had a bad day doesn’t mean you need to talk to me like that” he says and I narrow my eyes at him.

“As if you were any better” I hiss and stare at him. “You are talking to me much worse and I do not say anything about that. Now give me the keys.”

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