Chapter 1

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"Seth you can't keep treating me like this! Especially in front of our children." I yelled. "I can treat you any way I want! You are my wife!" Seth yelled, slamming his bottle of beer on the table almost enough to break it. I jumped a little bit. "I may be your wife, but that still doesn't mean you can flirt with other women while I'm around or beat me when the kids are watching!" I yelled getting in his face. Seth was huffing and puffing. 

  "I have a damn right to. You are my property!" Seth yelled. "I am not your property. I am my own woman!" I said. Seth rolled his eyes and back handed me. I fell to the ground. "You are mine if I say you are mine!" Seth said.

  I got up with teary eyes. "I'm done with you. I can't deal with you anymore." I said, turning around walking into our bedroom taking off my ring, placing it on the dresser and I grabbed mine and the kids suitcases. Seth came into the bedroom and leaned against the doorframe. He looked at the dresser and then he looked sad. "Babe, please." Seth said, walking over to me grabbing my arm. I flinched at his touch.

   I walked over to the dresser and started packing my clothes into them. "Babe, please. I'll change." Seth said. I shook my head. Once I packed my things I grabbed the kids suitcases and walked towards their room. I opened the door to see them watching WWE. They looked at me.

   "Mommy, why do you have our suitcases?" Colby asked. "We are leaving." I said going over to the dresser. "Where would we go mommy?" Colby asked. "On a little road trip." I said. I looked at Lisa. "Sweetie, can you go to your room and pack your suitcase?" I asked. She nodded grabbed her suitcase and walked to her room. 

  "Come on Colby lets go wait for your sister." I said extending my hand. Colby turned off the TV and walked towards me. He took my hand and we walked towards the living room. Lisa came from her room and looked at me with sad eyes. Seth came in behind her looking depressed holding my ring in his hands. "Why doesn't daddy have his stuff packed?" Colby asked. "He isn't coming with us. Isn't it obvious?" Lisa said, walking past us and out to the car.

   I sighed. Cobly went to hug his father. Once he finished hugging his father we walked outside to find his sister. "This is your fault Seth." I said, grabbing my suitcase and walking out the front door. "Shyla!" Seth yelled. I ignored it. "Shyla!" Seth yelled. I rolled my eyes. I felt something smack me. 

Present Day

I look to see Paige staring at me. "You were thinking about it, weren't you?" Paige asked. I sighed and nodded. "Shyla, it's been 10 years since you've divorced him. You've moved on you are with Finn now." Paige said. "I know, but if the rumor's are true, I won't be able to take it." I said. Rumor has it that Seth was going to return to the WWE and the shield will be coming together again. "Anyways, how are the kids?" Paige asked. "Colby is great he was named captain of the wrestling team this year." I said. "I know you don't like talking about it, but have you been in contact with Lisa?" Paige asked. I sighed and shook my head. "No. I haven't spoke to her. God knows where she is anymore." I said. 


"Lisa what do you think you are doing?" I asked. "I'm going to live with dad." Lisa said. My heart broke. "Why?" I asked. "He is my dad, Shyla whether you like to admit that or not." Lisa said. I frowned. "Don't you call me by my first name. I am your mother!" I yelled. "You were my mother. Now you are just a bitch that used to be my mother." Lisa said, grabbing her keys and walking out the door with her bags. I stood in place not able to move. I sighed, putting my head down.

Flashback ends

I blinked and looked back at Paige. "Well, enough of our talking we need to start working out." I said. Paige nodded. We headed towards the gym.

Time Skip

The ref raised my hand in victory I smiled and the crowd booed. I rolled my eyes. Then it went dark and a theme started playing that I never wanted to hear again.







The Shield.

The lights came back on and they were in the crowd. I gasped, seeing Seth. I got out of the ring and grabbed a Kendo stick from under the ring, then slid back into the ring. I hit it down on the mat and looked back them. "Come on you bastards!" I yelled. They climbed over the barricade and surrounded the ring. Finn's theme began playing and he came running out to the ring.

   I looked at him. He grabbed the Kendo stick and put it down. "This isn't your fight babe." Finn said. I shook my head, picking up the Kendo stick. "Yes, it is." I said. The guys got into the ring. I smirked, turning to have my back faced to the guys. "Darlin? What are you doin?" Finn said. I swung the Kendo stick at Finn. When it connected I on the inside died a little bit, but it is what is best for business. I hit Finn over and over again. I dropped the Kendo stick and the guys came to my side. Roman put his hand in out. I smirked putting mine in the middle. Dean joined in and put his next to mine. Seth nodded and put his hand next to Dean's. The crowd was mixed. The music began playing and we got out of the ring and climbed over the barricade. We walked through the crowd and made it backstage.

4 Shield Members Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now