Chapter 7

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Time Skip

I put my seatbelt on as Dean, Lisa, Seth and Colby got in the car. "Where is Roman?" I asked. "Wellness policy." Dean said. "Again?" I said. Seth nodded. I sighed. "Seat belt, you two." I said, looking into the rear view mirror at Colby and Lisa.

"Really? How old do you think we are 10?" Lisa asked. "No, but I can treat you like are." I snapped. Lisa put her hands up in defeat. Seth and Dean laughed. I rolled my eyes and backing out of the parking lot and heading towards the next town.

Time Skip

I looked in the rear view mirror at Colby and Lisa who are asleep. I smiled and went back to paying attention to the road. "Do you want to pull over somewhere and let me drive?" Seth asked. I shook my head. "I'll be fine Seth." I said. "Shyla." Seth said. I shook my head.

A loud snore came from the back. I bit my lip, trying to keep quiet so I don't wake up Lisa, Colby or Dean. Seth shook his head. "Could he be anymore loud?" I asked. "You know how he is Shyla." Seth said. "True." I said. "How much longer do you think we have?" Seth asked.

"I'd have to say 10-20 minutes." I said. "It's weird ya know. Being out on the road again with you like the good old days." Seth said. "You sure about that, I mean you did call them idiotic brats." I said gripping the steering wheel. "I was drunk." Seth said. I shook my head.

Time Skip

"See ya!" I said, waving to the guys before walking into my room. I put my suitcase next to the bed and got changed. Colby was staying with his sister since she got an extra bed in her room. It'd be nice for him to catch up with his sister. I climbed into bed and touched my lips, thinking about Sami. I couldn't be falling for Sami could I? No, I love Finn. Don't I? I yawned and drifted off to sleep.

Time Skip

My eyes fluttered open, but then closed when seeing the bright ball in the sky called the sun. I got out of Finn's hold, grabbed some clothes from my suitcase and headed into the bathroom. I turned on the water to the shower and made sure the temperature was not scorching hot. I stripped myself from my clothes and hopped into the shower. I couldn't help but think about the kiss.

Time Skip

I finished putting on my lipstick and then looked at myself in the mirror. Today was an off day for me. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Finn was still asleep. I looked at my watch. Huh he is usually up by now. I shrugged it off and headed for the door. I grabbed my phone, wallet, and key card to the room.

I closed the door quietly so I wouldn't wake Finn up. I headed for the elevator. Once I got in the elevator, I saw Seth close the door to his room. I held the door as he walked towards the elevator. When he got in I pressed the button to go to the ground floor. When the elevator doors closed Seth looked at me. "Ya know it's not nice to stare." I said.

"You really got the whole parenting thing down." Seth said shaking his head. "Well, I mean I did pop 2 kids out of my vigina by your doing." I said. Seth smiled and nodded. The elevator doors opened again and we walked out towards the lobby. "Well, I'm off to the gym, I'll see you later." Seth said walking towards the exit. I nodded and walked towards the breakfast area. When I got my breakfast, I sat down at a table and stirred my coffee and blowing on it a little bit so I don't burn my tongue off.

"Hey." Sami said, sitting down next to me taking a sip of his coffee. I nodded, taking a bite out of my pancake. Once I got done eating that part of the pancake I looked up at Sami. "Why?" I asked. "Shyla, I understand you are in a relationship with Finn, but I couldn't take it anymore. I have liked you since we met." Sami said. "Sami, I'm with Finn. He would never do anything to hurt me." I said.

"Then why is he holding hands with Cathy Kelley?" Sami said quickly before taking a sip of his coffee. I took a quick glance back and sure enough Finn and Cathy were holding hands. "Great after being with him for 4 years he does this." I mumbled, looking down at my pancakes that I was no longer hungry for. "Do you want these?" I asked. Sami grabbed my plate of pancakes and began eating the rest of them. I looked at Finn and Cathy as they walked out the doors of the hotel. I sighed and then soon enough, my phone buzzed. I looked at my phone.

Austin - Hey Shyla you want to be on UpUpDownDown?

Shyla - Sure.

Austin - Alright, come to room number 305.

Shyla - Is that your actual room number?

Austin - Yeah. Why?

Shyla - I just thought of a song and I wasn't sure if you were joking or not.

Austin - Alrighty then.

Shyla - I'll be right there.

I put my phone back in my pocket and stood up grabbing my coffee. "Where are you going?" Sami asked. "Austin texted me. He wants me to film UpUpDownDown with him." I said, walking towards the elevator. I hit the up button and waited for the elevator to get to lobby. Sami appeared next to me. I bit my tongue and when the doors opened I got inside.

Time Skip

I knocked on the door and when it opened it revealed Ettore. "Look at this. Shyla Rollins at our door." Ettore said. I rolled my eyes. "Watch it Big E she might snap at ya." Austin said slapping his back. I walked in. "I should honestly be thanking you guys." I said, turning around looking at the guys.

"Why?" Austin asked. "Sami hasn't left me alone for the past week. I mean, yeah, we are friends, but damn." I said shaking my head. "What did he do? If you don't mind me asking?" Austin asked, walking over to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I opened my mouth, but then there was a knock at the door. "I got it." Kofi said, getting up from his seat and walking over to the door.

"What are we doing exactly?" I asked. "We are doing Madden Tournaments." Austin said. Seth was on the other side of the door when it opened. "Is that really what we are doing?" I asked. Austin nodded. I laughed and took Kofi's seat. "Hey Shyla that's my seat." Kofi said.

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