Chapter 3

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"Hold on!" Lisa said. The door opened and Lisa's eyes widened. "Mom? Colby? What are you doing here?" Lisa asked. "We could ask you the same thing." I said. "I'm here for work. I was just about to leave." Lisa said.

I looked over her shoulder to see clothes thrown into a suitcase. "What type of work?" I asked. Lisa rolled her eyes. "It's none of your business. Now if you excuse me, I would rather not miss my flight." Lisa said shutting the door. I sighed, turning to Colby. "We should probably go back. Finn and I have to get everything ready for our flight to Iowa." I said. "Great. I have to see grandma and grandpa don't I?" Colby said. "Probably." I said, ruffling his hair. "Mom!" Colby said. I laughed and walked away.

Time Skip

I shook Colby. Colby groaned. "Get up. It's time to go to the arena." I said. Colby got up and stretched. I grabbed my suitcase and we headed out. "What made you want to be a wrestler mom?" Colby asked.

"Well, when I was around your age, maybe younger. I actually went to school with a couple of WWE superstars well not at the time, but they wanted to be a superstar or diva, but I had started watching it and I became hooked so I trained until I finally made it and here I am." I said. "Are you going to quit?" Colby asked. "Well, I'll retire eventually, but I am only 44." I said. "You are old mom." Colby said. I smiled. "Remember who brought you into this world sweetie." I said.

Time Skip

"Make yourself comfortable. We'll be here for a couple of hours." I said. "How many hours?" Colby asked. "At least 12 hours." I said. Colby groaned. "I'll let you meet some of the wrestlers come." I said. "Wait does Dean still wrestle?" Colby asked. I nodded.

Colby got off of the couch. We walked out of my locker room to see Seth talking to the guys. "Okay, first stop is Paige." I said, grabbing Colby's arm, dragging him away from his father. "Dean was over there though." Colby said. "Yeah, but your father is over there." I said. Colby nodded. "Shyla!" Paige yelled.

"Speak of the devil." I said turning around. Colby turned around as well. "Now who is this lovely thing?" Paige asked. "Paige this is Colby. Colby this is Paige." I said. "So this is the handsome little devil?" Paige asked, walking over to Colby hugging him. "Yeah." I said.

"There ya are darlin." Finn said, wrapping his arms around my waist. I turned around and kissed his cheek. "Hey. Colby come here!" Dean yelled. Colby walked over to Dean. I turned around to watch them. "He'll be fine darlin." Finn said.

"Seth is over there." I said. "He wouldn't hurt his own son." Finn said. Seth walked up to Dean and Colby. My eye was twitching. I took a deep breath. Colby came walking back over. "Seth wants to talk to you." Colby said. I nodded and slowly made my way over there.

When I got over there I looked at him. "What do you want Seth?" I asked. "Vince wants to see us." Seth said. I rolled my eyes, shoving past him. I got to Vince's office and opened the door. I walked in and sat down at one of the seats in his office. "Glad you could make it. Now I have a mission for the both of you." Vince said.

"That is?" I asked. "Well, first of all, now that the shield is back together and now I know that you two are divorced there is going to be some tension between you two which will cause a rivalry. The second thing is that a new diva is going to be involved in that rivalry." Vince said. "Who?" Seth asked. The door opened to reveal Lisa. "Fine. I have to work out can I go?" I asked.

Vince nodded. I got up pushing past Lisa. I went towards the gym. When I got in there I saw it was empty. I smirked. "Perfect." I said. I went over to one of the punching bags. I began hitting it.

"Seth! Stop it!" I yelled. "How about you stop being a stupid bitch then?" Seth said, kicking me in the stomach again. I coughed up blood and spit it out. "You've never been anything to me!" Seth said, leaning down and hitting me in the face. "If I'm nothing to you then why don't you just kill me!" I yelled. "Who is going to raise the kids then?" Seth said spitting in my face.

I snapped. I low blowed him and he fell to the ground. I climbed on top of him and began hitting him. "You can't hit for shit." Seth said. I grabbed the beer on the table next to me. I raised the bottle over my head about to throw it. I threw it at the wall. I just couldn't hit him. I got off of him and limped into the bedroom.

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see it was Finn. "I've been trying to get your attention for a couple of minutes now. Oh my darlin your hands." Finn said, looking at them. I looked down to see my knuckles bloody. Finn raised my hands so he could get a better look at them. I yanked them out of his hands turning around and hitting the punching bag again.

"Shyla, stop it you're going to hurt yourself." Finn said turning around violently. I flinched. "Please don't hurt me Seth." I said covering my mouth. Finn raised his eyebrows. "Seth?" Finn said.

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