Chapter 14

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  My eyes widened. "What do you mean?" I asked. Dean grabbed my arm and dragged me into the locker room. "Colby got angry one night and hit Taralynn. That is when she came over to my hotel room." Dean said. I shook my head turning around getting out of the locker room before walking towards Colby's locker room. Once I got to his locker room, I opened the door to see Colby doing sit ups.

"Hey mom, what's wrong?" Colby asked standing up. I slapped him. "How dare you!" I yelled. "What the hell was that for?" Colby asked. "From what I was just told you were turning into your father!" I yelled. "Mom calm down." Colby said.

"No! After teaching you not to be anything like him what do you do!" I yelled pushing him. "Mom." Colby said. "No don't you even think about calling me that." I said. "Mom you have no room to talk. After what dad did to you years later you went back to him." Colby said.

"Then where is he now! He is with a bitch, I thought was my friend. I knew I should have stayed away from him, but you know why I didn't Colby?" I yelled. "Why? So you could be humiliated again?" Colby said. "No, because I loved him and I wanted to see past all of the beatings so I took chances, but only for them to turn into almost losing my life and where were you when I was lying in that hospital bed and could have died at anytime!" I yelled. "I wanted to be there." Colby said.

"You wanted to be there, but a job is more important than your own mother. You are pathetic." I said, grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the locker room. "Mom where are you taking me." Colby asked. I ignored him and I saw Taralynn sitting in a chair with an ice pack at catering. I dragged him towards Taralynn before pushing him to the ground in front of Taralynn who looked confused. "Apologize to her now." I growled. "Taralynn, baby, I'm sorry." Colby said, putting his head in her lap.

Taralynn shook her head. "Shyla you didn't need to do this." Taralynn said. "Oh, but I needed to and I think you need to do something as well." I said looking at her. Taralynn sighed and nodded. Colby looked up at Taralynn. "We need to break up Colby. Ever since that happened, I've been staying away from you." Taralynn said.

"Baby please. I'll change." Colby said. "No you won't and neither will I because of what I did afterwards." Taralynn said standing up. "What do you mean?" Colby asked, standing up trying to hold Taralynn's hand. "After that happened, I went to Dean, who I grew close to." Taralynn said. "So you cheated on me?" Colby said, looking pissed off. I grabbed his collar, pulling him backwards onto the ground.

"Don't think about touching her." I said. Taralynn smirked. I chuckled. "You'll get what is coming to you as well sweetie, don't worry today was just the beginning." I said walking towards my locker room. "Shyla what the hell was that about?" Seth asked grabbing my arm. I looked at his hand before looking up at him. "I thought I taught our son to be a better human being than his father, but I was wrong." I said.

   "Wait, what?" Seth asked. "He did exactly what you did to me." I said escaping his grip. "Now go run off to Paige. I'm sure she doesn't like seeing me with you." I said. Seth grabbed my arm again and pinned me against the before kissing me. I tried to resist kissing him, but I kissed him back. Seth pulled away looking at me. 

  "I'm not with her anymore. I only dated her to make you jealous. I love you Shyla always have and always will." Seth said, putting our foreheads together and holding onto my waist. I blinked a couple of times before looking into his eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you too Seth." I said.

Time Skip

"Please help me welcome my guest tonight, former general manager Shyla Rollins." Charlie said. "Hello Charlie." I said. "Hi, now Shyla I'd like to discuss the topic of Taralynn and the attacks on her earlier." Charlie said. "Well, Charlie back when I was the GM she was so disrespectful towards me and I wanted to give her what she has coming." I said before being hit with a chest. I fell to the ground doing a little damage to my leg and began getting pummeled with punches. I flipped Taralynn and I over so I was on top and I began hitting her. I got off of her and picked her up hitting her with twist of fate making her hit face first into the chest.

   I took a deep breath before limping away. "Just you wait Rollins! I'll end your career!" Taralynn said, standing up spitting out blood. I smirked and turned around. "Honey, I was hit with a car. What are you going to do to me?" I asked, crossing my arms. Taralynn glared at me. 

  I turned around and began walking towards catering. I then felt my leg give out from underneath me. I screamed in pain, grabbing my leg. Taralynn had a Kendo stick and smirked. "Don't underestimate me." Taralynn yelled, hitting my leg. I held my leg in pain. Taralynn was about to hit my leg again before being grabbed by Seth.

   I tried standing up only to give in and fall again. Seth was then attacked and Taralynn was let go which meant her coming after me again. She went after the chest and began pushing it towards my way. I tried to move out of the way only to have the corner hit my head and for me to pass out. 

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