Chapter 11

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Taralynn's ring attire ^^^

Time Skip

"Dean. I'm so sorry." I said rubbing his back. "How could this happen to me. After everything I've been through." Dean said crying. "Dean as your boss and your friend I am requesting you take a break. You've earned it and you need it." I said. "Shyla I can't. This is my life." Dean said.

"Dean please. I understand that this is your life. This is my life as well, but I know what you are going through. I've been through it before and it will get better." I said hugging him. "How could, you know your life is perfect. You are the GM of Raw. You have kids and the father of those kids loves you. Renee and I couldn't even have kids." Dean said.

"Dean listen to me." I said. Dean ignored me and continued to cry. I sighed, closing my eyes tightly before slapping him across the face. Dean looked up at me. "Now that I have your attention I'm sorry for that, but my life isn't perfect Dean. I was in a coma for nearly a year and I almost died. So I do understand the pain, but if I know anything I know Renee would want you to move on." I said.

"Can I be left alone for awhile?" Dean asked. "Take the night off if you don't want to take a couple of weeks off." I said. Dean nodded sniffling standing up. "You've always been there for me Shyla. I can't thank you enough." Dean said. "That is what friends are for. Now go do whatever." I said, punching his arm playfully.

Dean chuckled before walking out of my office. I sighed, running my hands through my hair. I felt my phone going off. I got it out and I had written down that I had a job interview now. I quickly grabbed my stuff and headed towards the destination.

Time Skip

I opened the door to see a female pacing around the room. She turned to look at me. I smiled. "No need to be nervous kid take a seat, please." I said sitting down. The women sat down and smiled. "So Taralynn tell me about yourself." I said, looking down at her resume. "Well, I'm 25. I like to go hiking, partying..." She continued on but I zoned off worrying about Dean. After a few minutes I felt a tap on my arm. I looked at her. "You okay?" Taralynn asked. "I'm fine." I said reading over Taralynn's resume.

Name: Taralynn Owens

Age: 25

Weight: 120

Height: 5'5

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Hometown: Toronto, Ontario

Time Skip

"I'll show you around and let you get comfortable. I'm sure the fans will know who you are if they heard of Chaotic Wrestling." I said walking out of the room. "Thank you so much Mrs. Rollins you don't understand how much this means to me." Taralynn said. "I understand, but call me Shyla." I said. Taralynn nodded and we walked around.

   "Now this room right here is where the female wrestlers get changed, shower and do whatever. That is, unless you've done something big as to like win the women's title or the tag titles with someone then you get your own locker room or shared locker room with said partner." I said showing her the locker room. "Why don't you go in and meet some of the other wrestlers let them get to know you and then once you are done meeting them come find me in my office. It isn't hard to miss." I said, patting her back before walking off.

Time Skip

I heard a knock on my door. "It's open!" I yelled, still looking down at my phone. The door opened and I looked up to see Taralynn. "So how did it go?" I asked standing up. "It went surprisingly well." Taralynn said. "Alright, so now we will be going to Terry where she will be helping you figure out what your costume will be and then we will be heading over to the makeup department where Leslie will be figuring out what your style of makeup will be." I said walking out of my office to shortly be followed by Taralynn.

Time Skip

"Thank you for joining us Paige. I wanted to introduce you to your tag team partner. Taralynn this is Paige a former WWE Divas Champion and former WWE Women's Tag Team Champion. Paige this is former Chaotic Wrestling Women's Champion Taralynn." I said. "So this is the new girl." Paige said. "Yes, it is now why don't you two go get more acquainted with each other. You'll be traveling around together." I said.

   "Now if you follow me Taralynn I will show you to the male wrestlers because I'm sure Shyla hasn't done that." Paige said, wrapping her arm around Taralynn's shoulder and heading out of my office. I chuckled and shook my head. She reminded me of Dean when he was younger. All of the times we went out drinking, having a good time and then the other times that weren't so great but we still made the most of it. I got out my phone and pulled up mine and Dean's conversation.

Shyla - Me, you bar after Raw how does that sound?

Dean - That sounds good to me.

Shyla - Come by my office after Raw then we'll go.

Dean - Alright, I will meet you at 11. Also who is the new wrestler?

Shyla - That is Taralynn. Have you met her yet?

Dean - No, but they are walking over here now.

I put my phone away and headed towards the door. I opened it and saw Seth with his hand up. I looked at him crossing my arms. "May I help you?" I asked. "We need to talk." Seth said, grabbing my arm, dragging me into my office closing the door behind him.

Taralynn's Pov

"So did you grow up watching wrestling?" Paige asked. "Yeah, when I was little, people would talk about it all the time started watching it and I fell in love with wrestling." I said. "Who is your favorite wrestlers?" Paige asked. "I absolutely loved the shield, but Dean was my favorite." I said. Paige smirked grabbing my hand dragging me towards catering. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Somewhere." Paige said. 

  When we got to catering he was there. Dean motherfucking Ambrose. "Hey Ambrose." Paige said, letting go of my hand. "Hey Paige and Taralynn." Dean said. I got butterflies in my stomach when he said that. I waved at Dean trying to keep my cool. "Do you know her?" Paige asked. 

  "Shyla told me about her." Dean said standing up. God, he was tall. I just stood there quiet fiddling with my thumbs. Dean pulled me in for a hug and messed up my hair. I pushed away from him and tried to fix my hair. "Relax kid, I'm not as crazy as I am on screen." Dean said. I sighed, putting my arms behind my back before turning around and walking away. 

  I looked down at my feet before bumping into someone. I looked up and saw a fairly handsome guy above me. He chuckled extending his hand to help me up. I took his and I quickly got up. "New here I presume?" He said. I nodded. "The name is Colby how about you gorgeous?" Colby asked. 

  I blushed. "My name is Taralynn." I said. "So Taralynn would there be any chance of me getting your number?" Colby asked. I smirked. "There might be if you buy me a drink tonight." I said. "Consider it done." Colby said, grabbing my hand kissing it. I shook my head. 

  "Colby don't be bothering Taralynn now." Shyla said. "Sorry mom. I'll catch you later." Colby said, winking before walking away. I blinked a couple of times. "I'm sorry about my son." Shyla said. "That is your son?" I asked. Shyla nodded. 

  "Looks so much like his father doesn't he?" Shyla said leaning against the wall. "Yeah. I bet it was difficult after you and Seth spilt." I said. Shyla nodded, looking the other direction. I turned around to see Seth and Dean talking to each other. "Anyways, you should be preparing for tonight. You go out there and have a little promo." Shyla said, winking at me before heading towards catering. I nodded, heading towards the locker room. 

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