Chapter 10

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Time Skip

Seth's Pov

"Here is your winner my daughter-" I said before the lights went out and Pyro off. I shook my head. "Here is your winner and our daughter. Lisa Rollins!" A voice said. My eyes widened. The lights came back on and music began playing. Shyla came walking from behind the curtain.

The crowd went nuts. "Welcome back!" The crowd chanted. Shyla did a 360 smiled before high fiving fans and making her way into the ring. When she got into the ring I still stood there in shock. Lisa ran up to her mother and hugged her. Lisa let go of her mother after a minute or so and Shyla stared at me smiling. I smiled at her before picking her up and hugging her tightly.

"I love you, Shyla." I whispered into her ear. Shyla looked at me before kissing me. The crowd cheered. I put Shyla down. Colby came running out with a bunch of other WWE Superstars and Divas. Colby got into the ring and hugged his mother. I smiled. I grabbed Lisa and hugged her. "We got her back dad." Lisa said tearing up. "We sure did sweetie." I said, kissing the top of her head. Everyone hugged Shyla. Vince's music began playing.

Shyla's Pov

"Ladies and Gentleman, please allow me to introduce you to the new general manager of Monday Night Raw, Shyla Rollins!" Vince said. I smirked. The crowd went silent and everyone stared at me. I moved through the crowd of people before getting out of the ring and walking towards Vince. I grabbed Vince's mic. "It's funny how the crowd goes silent. I mean it doesn't really matter to me, but Seth I hope you don't think that kiss meant something because it meant absolutely nothing." I said dropping the mic.

My music began playing and I walked backstage getting booed. To be honest, what I said was a lie, but that is how I have to act. As a heel. Always been one and always will be one.

Time Skip

It was next Monday and I sat in my office looking at my phone. My door opened and I looked up to see Seth looking pissed off. I smirked and stood up. "Hey Seth how are you today?" I asked, extending my hand. Seth glared at me. "I don't know how do you think I feel Shyla. The love of my life comes out of an 8 month coma and then last week comes to celebrate her daughter's win, kisses me and then says it meant nothing." Seth snarled. 

  I put my hand down and crossed my arms. "Well, it seems that you are mad about my decision, but Seth you can't tell me what to do. You don't see a ring on my finger do you?" I said. "I could have promised you everything, but you went off." Seth said. "Exactly you could have, but you didn't anyways since you are here I can tell you about your match tonight." I said. "What match?" Seth asked. "You are going up against a mystery opponent tonight and it's going to be a no disqualification match. So good luck." I said, getting in his face smirking.

   Seth growled and turned around walking out of my office. "Now where the hell is my assistant." I said. The camera's were still rolling in here so the fans could see and then they walked in. "It's about time you got here." I said looking at them. The camera directed its attention towards Sami. The crowd cheered loudly. "Sorry, you know how traffic is." Sami said.

   "Not doing so well on your first day Sami. Anyways, we have business to discuss." I said and then the cameras stopped rolling. "That was good." A cameraman said. "When isn't me on camera ever good?" I asked. The camera crew left the room. "I can't thank you enough for getting me a job in the WWE again." Sami said. I laughed.

   "It's whatever." I said, hugging him. "So how does it feel to be back?" Sami asked. "It feels weird. When I woke up and nobody was there with me, I wasn't honestly surprised, but then the nurses and doctors told me about how Lisa, Colby, Seth, you and a couple of other visited every now and then." I said. "Well, it seems like Seth still feels something for you." Sami said. "Yeah, but I'm general manager and the fact of what I did to him, he wouldn't touch me with a 12 foot pole. Plus with me being GM I can't have any type of relationship with a superstar." I said. "Fair enough." Sami said. "Anyways, let's go get some coffee." I said, walking towards the door. Sami followed behind and we walked towards catering. 

Hey guys Shyla299 here and I finally finished the first book of this. It took me forever to edit so I took a break from the stories. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. 

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