Chapter 16

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Shyla's Pov

"Babe? Can I ask you something?" Seth asked, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my shoulder. "What is it?" I asked. "Have you planned retirement yet? You are almost 50 and still wrestling." Seth said. 

  "I have, but I'm not ready. This is our life. I mean, yes, our kids are in the business to continue our legacy, but I'm not ready to let go." I said. "You can always be like Trish or Lita. Come back every now and then." Seth said, turning me around. I looked into his soft brown eyes as he stared into my blue ones. "I honestly can get lost in your eyes for days and not even care about the world around us." Seth said putting his forehead against mine. 

  I smiled. "I love you so much." I said. "I love you too." Seth said, rubbing circles on my back. "Do you maybe want to give our marriage another chance?" I asked. Seth smiled and kissed me. "It isn't going to end like it did the last time will it." Seth asked. I goggles and shook my head.

   "Lisa has been dead for years. Unless she comes from the dead, I don't think I'll be getting hurt." I said. "What about Taralynn?" Seth asked. "Invite her and Dean. They can see how in love we actually are." I said. "I have never felt so ashamed in my life when you left me." Seth said pulling me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

  "It hurt to see the love of my life change so quickly." I said. "I know, but that is in the past now. Let's look to our future." Seth said, pulling away from the hug, holding my chin before pecking my lips. "Now let's go before you get hurt again." Seth said grabbing his suitcase. I walked over to my suitcase and checked to make sure I had everything. After I checked my bag I zipped it back up and headed towards the door. Seth opened the door and we headed for the parking lot.

Time Skip

"I don't care what you guys think of me anymore. You can boo or cheer all you want, my main concern is a little bitch who stole my best friend away from me and who probably slept her way to the top. Taralynn get your ass out here now!" I yelled into the mic looking at the ramp. Tara's music began playing and she came out on the ramp with Dean. "Babe did you hear that. How were you we've friends with her. Did she ever treat Renee like that?" Taralynn said.

   "Ya know Shyla ever since you came out of the coma a couple years back you've been a heartless bitch." Taralynn said walking down the ramp. "It's called almost dying. Ever heard of it. I was done being treated like shit around here so now look. I'm one of the best female wrestlers in this company." I said. "That's your excuse? You almost dying? I mean, who would have cared if you died. It would be business as usual." Taralynn said, getting into the ring with Dean. 

  I looked at Dean and shook my head. I put the mic up to my lips about to speak before another voice boomed in. "Who the hell do you think you are disrespecting my mother and then cheating on my brother. What kind of person are you?" Lisa said coming down the ramp and sliding into the ring getting in front of me. "I'm sorry who are you? Aren't you the person I defeated to win this title? Aren't I the person who put you out for nearly a year" Taralynn said.

   "I'm Lisa fucking Rollins. Daughter of Seth and Shyla Rollins. Sister of your ex Colby Rollins. Fiancé of Jojo Reigns. Who are you? A whore who is dating my godfather?" Lisa asked. I grabbed Lisa's shoulder and pulled her back. 

  "Woah, calm down everyone. First of all the both of you need to shut the hell up." Roman said getting into the ring. "Dean, Shyla what happened between you two? Y'all used to be best friends and then some chick comes into his life and suddenly you aren't friends anymore." Roman said. "That's what you are worried about. How about the fact that my daughter is marrying your daughter and nobody told me!" I said. "It's a long story." Lisa said.

   I rolled my eyes turning back towards the ropes and then tried to launch myself at Taralynn only to be caught by Roman. "You are getting married soon. I'm not letting you injure yourself." Roman said. I growled at Taralynn who smirked and flipped me off. I struggled to get out of Roman's grip. "Roman put her down!" Seth said coming from behind the curtain. Roman put me down and I slapped him. 

  Roman looked at me pissed off and got closer to me. "Aw, what's wrong Roman? Can't take a slap?" I asked smirking. Roman chuckled before pushing me. I stumbled before grabbing the ropes before giving him a crazy look. Seth got into the ring and got in Roman's face. "Don't you dare touch her." Seth said. 

  I smirked dropped the mic getting out of the ring. I skipped around the ring before grabbing onto Taralynn's legs and making her, hit her face on the mat before dragging her out of the ring and getting on top of her throwing punches. Taralynn got a few punches in. I got off of her before the guys got out of the ring. I heard an ambulance siren. I looked at Taralynn who was having a hard time getting up. I looked at the ambulance and then Taralynn. 

  I picked her up and took her up the ramp. I smirked, looking at the guys trying to get to us. I rammed Taralynn and I into the side of the ambulance. Everything then suddenly went black.

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