Chapter 8

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"I know, but I thought you were on your way to the gym." I said turning towards Seth. "I was but then Austin texted me about the tournament. I'm guessing I'm facing her?" Seth asked. Austin nodded. "You going for the bears?" I asked. "Hell yeah. Let me guess the Steelers." Seth said.

"You know me so well." I said, rolling my eyes. Austin started recording. "Hello everyone and welcome to UpUpDownDown and it's finally back. The Madden Tournament is here. I have two very special guests. The last time you saw both of them together on here was 13 years ago. Well, now they are back so please welcome my guests. Well, this is kind of awkward should I call you guys Mr. and Mrs. Rollins or what?" Austin asked.

"It's whatever, I guess." I said shrugging. "Well anyways We have The Roast Queen and The Champ." Austin said. Seth yelled and I laughed. "You really like screaming don't you?" I asked shaking my head. "Oh honey, you know I do." Seth said winking at me. I smirked. "It sounds better now than it did in bed 14 years ago." I said taking a drink of my coffee.

Austin, Kofi and Ettore all started laughing, waving their hands. "We did not need to know that!" Austin said. "I know, but I thought I'd let y'all know." I said putting down my coffee. "Whatever, let's just get this over with." Seth said.

Time Skip

"Damn." I said, putting down the controller accepting defeat. "Oh yeah baby! The Champ is going to win this year!" Seth said, putting down the controller standing up. "Anyways, do we have any words from the loser?" Austin asked. I glared at Seth. "This isn't going to end like it did last time." I said, getting up walking towards the door. "You never know darling." Seth said, winking at me.

"I have to go anyways. Bye guys." I said, opening the door. I walked out of the room and closed the door. I headed towards the elevator. I hit the down arrow and the elevator doors opened. I walked in the elevator.

Time Skip

I made sure I had everything. I opened the door to see Finn on the other side. I shook my head. "Darlin? Where ya going?" Finn asked. I rolled my eyes, shoving past him walking towards the end of the hall.

"Darlin. Talk to me!" Finn said, grabbing my arm, turning me around. I glared down at his hand before looking up at him. "Finn please. Just let me go." I said. A door opened to reveal Sami. "Hey Shyla and Finn." Sami said, leaning against the doorframe.

I got out of Finn's grip and walked into Sami's room. "Shut the door." I said. "Shyla what the hell?" Finn asked. Sami shut the door. "I'm guessing you ended it with him? Sami asked, crossing his arms. "I haven't exactly ended it with him, but I think he gets it." I said walking towards Sami. Sami looked into my blue orbs as I stared into his brown ones.

Sami wrapped his arms around my waist before looking down at my lips and then back at me. My eyes fluttered shut as Sami leaned in and kissed me. The kiss was passionate. I pulled away and opened my eyes again. Sami intertwined our hands.

Time Skip

It's been about 3 months since Finn and I broke up. I mean we are still friends kind of. Whatever Sami and I have is confusing. He never asked me out. I was at the gym with Seth preparing myself for tonight. Finn had been excluded from the storyline and went on to better things like winning the Universal title back. Sami and I were still in a relationship according to the storyline and Seth is still trying.

Seth and I surprisingly got closer over the past 3 months. Colby graduated at the top of his class and was now working on getting a job here in the WWE. "Okay, so this time make sure you aren't going so hard." Seth said. I rolled my eyes and hit the bag. "See, with that type of force you are going to end up making your knuckles bleed. Here, let me help you." Seth said, putting my hands in position to hit the bag. I looked up at Seth and then back at the bag.

"Now you don't want to use all of your force only use some of it. Like this." Seth said, moving my arms so my fist would make contact with the bag. "I'm not 12 I know what to do Seth." I said. "Well the past couple of weeks you've caused your hands to bleed and that only happens when you've got your mind on something." Seth said. I sighed, shaking my head hitting the bag. "Shyla." Seth said. I ignored him.

Seth turned me around and gripped my shoulders. I looked down at the floor. Seth lifted my head with one of his hands, staring into my blue orbs. I looked into his brown eyes. Seth wrapped his arms around my waist. Seth began to lean in. Seth was like a drug and I was the addict.

I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. Seth kissed me softly. I kissed back. I pulled away. I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Shyla." Seth said, raising an eyebrow. I shook my head backed up. I grabbed my gym bag. "I'm sorry." I said, walking towards the entrance. "Shyla, wait." Seth said, grabbing his gym bag and catching up to me turning me around. He looked at me before kissing me again. Seth pulled away looking into my eyes. "Shyla, I've had to go 10 years without you. Please don't leave me again." Seth said. I sighed, running my free hand through my hair. "I'll see you later tonight, Seth." I said, turning around walking out of the gym and heading towards the hotel. All of these memories came flooding through and I bit my lip to keep myself from crying that was until everything went black. 

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