Chapter 17

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Time Skip

“She should be doing things like this! How fucking crazy is Shyla!” A voice said. “Hey, if it wasn’t for you this would have never started. Yet she was actually thinking about inviting y’all to our wedding.” Another voice said. I groaned and opened my eyes quickly closing them due to the brightness. I squinted, looking at the people talking. “Honey are you okay?” Seth asked.
  I sat up and glared at Dean. “So you think I’m crazy?” I asked getting off of the table and getting in Dean’s face. “Shyla I didn’t mean it.” Dean said. I chuckled tilting my head. “I can show you crazy.” I said smirking. “Babe. Calm down.” Seth said, walking over to me.
  I looked over at him before turning my attention to Taralynn who was on the table next to Dean. “Don’t even think about it.” Dean said. I licked my lips before slapping him. “Forget inviting you guys. If I see either of you either I won’t think twice on snapping your necks.” I said, leaving the trainer’s room and heading towards the gym.

Time Skip

“You may kiss the bride.” The priest said. Seth smiled at me and pulled me close before placing his lips onto mine. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away. Everyone clapped. Lisa and Colby were whispering things to each other. Seth grabbed my hand and we began walking back up the aisle. “You ready to party?” Seth asked.
   I giggled and nodded. “Also, I may have invited someone.” Seth said, kissing my forehead. I raised an eyebrow only to hear a gasp. I turned around to see Aj. I dropped my flowers and covered my mouth. “You really think I wouldn’t come?” Aj said, putting her hands on her hips. I ran up to her and hugged her.
   “God I’ve missed you.” I said. “I know, but we’ve both been busy. You’ve been on the road for wrestling and I’ve been on the road for book signings.” Aj said. “Enough talking you two it’s time to party.” Seth said, kissing my cheek grabbing ahold of my hand and walking towards the tents.

Time Skip

I was stretching, getting ready for my match against Taralynn. It was Great Balls of Fire. This is a match I’ve needed. A Hardcore Women’s Championship match. I heard Taralynn’s music blaring through the arena. I walked up to the curtain and waited. After a few minutes my music began playing and I walked out hearing the fans booing loudly.
  I rolled my eyes and ignored them heading down to the ring. I kept my eyes on Taralynn who was stretching in the ring. I slid in the ring my eyes never leaving her. I stood up and jumped around in place. “The following is a no holds barred match and is for the WWE Hardcore Women’s Championship! Introducing the challenger. She is from Indianapolis, Indiana, Shyla Rollins!” Jojo said.
  I raised my arms, trying to pump up the crowd. “Now for the champion. She is your Hardcore Women’s Champion from Toronto, Canada, Taralynn!” Jojo said. Taralynn got into the middle of the ring, putting the title above her head before handing it over to the referee. The ref showed the crowd before putting the belt to the side and ringing the bell.

Time Skip

I landed on the hard on my back to the outside of the ring. I grabbed at my back before being stomped at. I rolled over on my stomach trying to stand up only for bamboo to connect with my back repeatedly. I screamed in pain with each shot. I saw the Kendo stick fall to the ground and I was slowly lifted to my feet. Taralynn headbutted me several times before launching me into the steel steps. I watched as she walked towards me grabbing me by my hair and standing me up before trying to ram me into the apron.
   I reversed and she went head first into the apron. I grabbed my back, taking a couple of deep breaths before looking at Taralynn who was trying to get to her feet. I grabbed Taralynn by her hair and launched her into the barricade making it collapse. I slowly got back to my feet I held onto my back before grabbing Taralynn and heading towards the ring. I whipped her into the ring post and she hit it head first. I put her inside the ring and went for the pin. The ref was about to put his hand down for the 3 count but Taralynn kicked out.
  I climbed out of the ring grabbing the Kendo stick Taralynn dropped earlier and climbed back inside the ring. Taralynn was on her knees trying to catch her breath. I swung the Kendo stick at her and she yelped in pain. I looked at a small bag in the corner of the ring that Taralynn had brought out. I hit Taralynn in the back with the Kendo stick before dropping it and grabbing the bag. I opened it and smirked at what was inside of it. I dumped the bag out and watched as the thumb tacks fell onto the mat. I stood Taralynn up and pushed her down towards the thumb tacks. She fell into them and screamed in pain.

Time Skip

1,2,3. The bell rung and I stumbled to my feet. “Here is your winner and the new WWE Hardcord Women's Champion, Shyla Rollins!” Jojo announced. I grabbed the title and raised it above my head. It was a hard fought battle. I turned my head to see Colby, Seth and Lisa coming out from behind the curtain. I smiled and stumbled towards the ropes.
   I climbed out of the ring in massive pain. Seth came up to me and kisses me. I hugged him and he just stood there not wanting to hit any of the thumb tacks. I giggled and hugged my kids. Seth raised my hand and the crowd was mixed for once. We all watched as Taralynn sat up holding the back of her head. I blew her a kiss before turning around and heading backstage towards the trainer’s room.

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