Subaru x shuu pockygame

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Shu x Subaru

Subaru wakes up in the middle of the night to eat his secret stash of pockys when it was gone....
Subaru was mad and he thought kanato had them and he sneaked into his room and silently searched.
"What are you doing Subaru?"
He turned around to see Richter.....
He sighed,"I lost something and dont make a big deal out of it!" He growled.
Richter chuckled,"I think shu has them." Subaru dashed off before richter could ask about the mess He made.
Shu was lying on the couch eating the sweet pocky s he found when Subaru approached him. "You lazy piece of s-"
Shu shoved a piece of pocky in his mouth,"you know I like it better when your mouth full ~" shu smirked.
Subaru hated when he had a comeback.... He hurried up and ate it.......
Shu held up the last one and Subaru snapped,"Shu I will kill you and bash your face in so hard nobody won't identify!!"
Shu chuckled,"well we both share then... Or I'm telling everybody...."
Subaru sighed...."OK we share it but don't tell nobody!"
Shu nodded."OK break it." Subaru commanded but instead shu put it in his mouth...
"What are y-" shu placed the other end on his lips which made subaru blushed red....Subaru took the other end in his mouth
"We playing the pocky game" shu smirked which made chills go down his spine....
Shu moved up first and it made Subaru heart beat faster as he slowly watch his brother move closer eyeing each other......
(Should I continue this one)
I will do Cordellaxrichter next RagingFangirl87

And still taking request *^*

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