Kino x Yuuri(fluff confession)

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FEAST TREAT WEEK WHOOO!!(What are you thankful for? comment....I'm thankful for y'all !!)

I'm gonna be blowing with ships all this week and if y'all want a thanksgiving special text me I won't bite..(100% a lie)
But this is a request and It will start now


Kino watch Yui talk to Ayato.....He sighed and laughed..."Such a shame...." Yuri looked down....he made fist......
Kino looked at him...."What's wrong?" he looked annoyed...
Yuuri looked up quickly...."n-nothing...."

Kino cupped his chin and tilt his head......"What's wrong?" He smirked evily.......
He blushed deeply and looked Down......
"Pathetic....." he rolled his eyes and kept watching Yui...... "They don't love her...." He folded his arms and smiled...."Have you ever thought you was too late to change that you to make them love you?"

Yuri eyes widen...."K-Ahh......."
In his head he said..("You~")

It was early morning and Yuuri was in Kanto room helping him repair teddy after the fire accident (Ouch!!!)

Kanato looked annoyed..."You doing it wrong!!" he snatched teddy eye from his chest and placed it on his eye......"S-sorry...." Kanato growled..."Shut up! Kino is right you are annoying!!"

His eyes widen......"K-kanato ...I-"

Kanato sighed and worked on teddy..."I'm not sorry....but here.." he gave him a necklace..."Its suppose to give you courage....I guess...maybe it help you confess...." He smirked.....
"H-how!" he blushed red....

Kanato looked at him emotionless..."You talk in your sleep...."
Kanato held teddy close to him..."Now get out or I throw you Into the fire!!"

He left and bumped Into Kino...

"Watch where you going where were you I was wor-" he roared...."I cou-...." he stopped as He was crying....
"What's wrong?......" he tried not to get annoyed .....
"I-I......." Yuuri sniffed.....he pinned him against the wall and smashed his lips against his.....

Kino was in shock that Yuuri would even kiss him and say such things.....Everything went silent...

Kino blushed....'how dare he kiss me while I was talking!!!' He growled.....He was about to push him off when he collapse....
Kino roared in his mind...'how dare he fall asleep!!"....he groaned and then got lost in his face......he blushed..'he look quite cute like this....' He sighed......'Yui and now Yuuri.....'
"I am very irrisitable ~" he smirked....


Ok this is a fluff I hope I got this right if u want a smut one I need 5 or more likes ok
Kanato bout to whoop this girl for calling teddy trash......*grabs axe*and talking about my brothers !!!

(Next Reiji x Shuu but I'm gonna do the ones I forgot to do if u have a couple from dl comment please)

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