Reiji x Subaru x reader :Our secret

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You was at school with the samakis bored to death....'im Finna skip' you said to yourself messing  with your hair....the lights turned off and you got up slowly and walked out the shut it slowly and sighed in relief....."Thankgod...!!!" you pulled down your skirt as the hallway was freezing....

"I can't go back to the limo yet...." you sighed and tried to find every room that was warm and sadly it was the bathroom.....(😈 Kanato is evil)

You looked in the mirror and blinked and Reiji was behind you..."Reiji?!!" you jumped back.

Reiji grabbed your hand pulled you towards him.....
"(Y/N).... You look scared?"
You blushed red,"t-this is the females bathroom...."

"So!?" You heard another voice it sound so familiar.....'oh fuck! ' you looked and saw Subaru against the wall glaring....
"S-suba- "
Subaru growled..."you want three punishments!"

"B-but i didn't do any-"
Reiji bit into your neck..You gasped and pain and Reiji gripped your wrist....
Subaru appeared in front of you And started to strip you...."You so cute in that skirt..." You blushed. ."Ah!" You felt Reiji go deeper and you made fist you felt like you was going to pass out...You groaned in pain as Subaru sunk his fangs into your thigh....
"Mmm~" Reiji licked your neck..."you taste so sweet but that was just the appetizer ~"
Subaru pulled away and smirked.....
Reiji sighed..."You take her first  Subaru and I join in......"
Subaru smirked and you he yourmy neck and tried to cover yourself myself....
Subaru pushed you to the wall.  Hurting your back and he  pulled your my hair..."Subaru!" You whimpered and he started having his way with you...
He left hickies all over your moaned and gripped his hair...."p-please~"
Subaru stripped himself and sighed...."you have to be quiet im not going gentle~"
Your eyes widen as you notice Reiji was gone...Subaru lifted u in the air and started eating you out....he gripped your butt..."Ah!~ Subaru!!~" You moaned and squirmed...."T-this is embarrassing! !!~"
He growled and stuck his tongue roughly inside you making you jolt
"Ah!~mm~" he started thrusting his flexible tongue roughly  inside exploring your insides he hummed and started pinching your nubs....

you moaned in pleasure and Subaru pulled out and flicked his tongue on your clit and smirked....."ever had two in you?"
You blushed red and just stared..."T-two?~"
Reiji chuckled behind you and helped you stand on your feet and chuckled...."Yea Subaru me and your hole~" You didn't even had time,to,react as Reiji pinned you and shoved his hard rod in you first...."R-Reiji~!" You felt him open your walls and Subaru started kissing you to calm you down and you moaned in pain as he started thrusting in,you and,Subaru messaged his,tongue with yours.....Reiji bit into your neck....Subaru cupped your chin up
"Mmm~ Your too wet (Y/N)~ your dripping down your leg~" he also bit into your neck too and Reiji started to thrust hard and faster inside you and Subaru rubbed your clit fast...."Ahhh!~ please!!" Your eyes stinged and Subaru stopped and went down and kissed your kitty and position himself blushed and groaned as Reiji bit deeper,to keep u quiet as Subaru shoved in....they held your blushed Subaru  panted..."I know this feels weird~"
You blushed and they bit into your neck thrusting hard and roughly inside of,you spreading your walls more...

"A-ah!!!~ please!~" You cry out in pain and,pleasure...."Reiji bit,into your ear and,whisper..."your so warm and wet (Y/N)...."

You felt so much going on your head started to throb...."Reiji!! Subaru!!" you held onto both of there shoulders and Subaru rocked your body while they penetrated your spot roughly.....
"Ahhh!!!!" You came and Reiji came inside you as Subaru pulled out and came all over your face...." You ok (Y/N)?"

You looked at Reiji worried slowly nodded and looked down in a dazed.....Subaru got u dressed and him,and threw you over his shoulder.....he carried u to the limo and laid you down and sighed.....He noticed you was asleep and he leaned down and kissed you...."Sweet dreams,(Y/N)...."


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