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Amy's pov

"I hope mark doesn't get mad,"I worry to myself."but there's nothing I could really do about it. It isn't my fault that the stupid condom didn't work. So technically it was the broken condom's fault. Ugh, who am I kidding. It's my fault, and Mark's gonna hate me."

This internal struggle of mine has been going on ever since this morning, when I took a pregnancy test.

It all started about a month ago and Mark was taking me out on a date to this really nice restaurant and we had a great time. Then we went back to his place and just did what came naturally.

But now I have to go and ruin what was the best night of our lives.

I took a pregnancy test this morning because I should have had my period a few weeks ago, but it still hadn't come.

The test came up positive.

"Mark is gonna hate me," I continuously say to myself as I walk in the direction of Mark's neighborhood. "The first fucking time we have sex and I get pregnant. I'm probably ruining his life."

Mark's pov

I hear a knock at the door and go to answer it.

"Amy! What a pleasant surprise!" I say, "it's nice to see you."

She walks past me, into the living room. She looks distracted and upset. She is mumbling incoherent things to herself quietly.

"What's wrong?" I ask worriedly.

"Um... Nothing... Except, um..." She says. It seems like she's ashamed of something.

"Um, well... I'm pregnant..."

I freeze as my face turns into a look of shock.

She sees my reaction and covers her face with her hands as she begins to cry.

Hey tears zap me out of my trance and I quickly walk over to her. I wrap her in a comforting, tight hug. She seems surprised.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I j-just th-thought that y-you would h-h-hate me f-for it."she says. Her words hurt me slightly, but only for a second.

I rub her back soothingly as I say. "I'd never do such a thing. And if it's possible, I love you even more now."

She hugs me tightly and says, "I l-love you t-too." She starts to cry again and I rock her gently.

After a few minutes she seems to have calmed down a bit and that's when I say,"there's just one thing that still bugs me."

"What is it?" She says in an extremely self-conscious tone.

I quickly reassure her with a peck on the cheek and say,"if you're pregnant, then I need to take care of you and the baby, and I can't very well do that if I can't access you on a moment's notice. So, will you move in with me?"

She stares at me in disbelief then quickly nods her head once she realizes that I'm serious. She links her arms around the back of my neck and kisses me hard.

I return the kiss and pick her up. I walk over to the couch and sit down so she's on top of my lap. She breaks the kiss so only or foreheads are touching and says, "this baby is going to be a lot of work, and it's a pretty big commitment. So, if you want to back out, here's your chance."

She braces herself for my response and is startled when I go in to kiss her again.

After a bit, I pull back and say, "you are the only person in the world that I would ever want to do this with, and I'm never changing my mind. so you better get ready to be spoiled like crazy, because I'm not going anywhere."

<So, here is the amyplier book beginning!!! I am aware that this chapter is the same as the one in my one shots book, but it was just such a good chapter (in my eyes) and I thought it would be a good opener. I'm not gonna update this book super often because I have a lot going on in my life right now, but it will get updated. K bye!!!! ❤❤❤>

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