Part 3

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Bella's Pov

When I woke up again I realized I was sleeping and lying on my bed. I got out of the covers and I stood up and walked into the bathroom and I took off my clothes and got into the shower. I spent about 30 minutes in the shower.

After that I got out and I brushed and dried my hair which took 15 minutes and I also straightened it to which took 10 minutes. I walked across the hallway and I went back into my bedroom to get ready.

As soon as I got to my room I went to my wardrobe and I grabbed a pair of jeans and a pink puffy top while white heels and I went to my bed and lead them onto it. I sat down on my bed and I thought about everything that happened in the last 12 hours.

I decided that I wasn't going to let it stop me from living my life and so I put all the bad thoughts out of my head. I forgot everything that happened last night and I forgot about my so called family that live in the big white house in the woods.

I then went to get dressed but I heard dad shout Bella can you come down here please and I knew what it was about before I even asked I knew I was in trouble. I just said sure dad give me a minute and I put my clothes on along with my shoes.

I then grabbed my phone off my beside table and my school bag off the floor and walked out of the room knowing what was to happen. The whole way downstairs I kept thinking of the worst possible punishment and it wasn't fun to think about.

When I got downstairs I went into the kitchen and I sat down at the table and as I did I saw my dad looking at me with a angry looking face. Dad set down a bowl of cereal where I was sitting and it was bad because that meant he was really angry at me.

I said look dad I know I worried you last night but I was fine and my dad said no Bella you weren't fine is not wondering the woods alone at night. Fine is calling me to tell me you'll be late and I sighed and said I'm sorry dad really I am.

Dad then said oh I know you are and do you know how I know and I groaned and said no how. My dad then said your grounded Bella and I said no dad please I swear not to go into the woods again please.

Dad then said no not this time your grounded you will go to school everyday and you will go straight to Billy's where you will stay until I leave work to pick you up. You will not give Billy cheek just because I made you go their after school it is your own fault because of what happened last night.

I mean Sam had to bring you home Bella really I mean come on your 17 years old almost 18 years old your graduating high school Bella. I then said so what and there is no way I'm going to Billy's dad I'm not a baby. I then stood up as I had just finished my breakfast and I back away from my dad.

My dad then said yes you will go to Billy's after school and you will remain there until I pick you up after I finish work. I know for a fact that Billy will keep you in the house as he knows what happened last night and he knows Sam brought you home.

I groaned and said dad please and my dad said no Bella your grounded and you will go to Billy's everyday after school is that understood. Dad then walked around the table and he stood beside me waiting for my answer.

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