Part 10

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Bella's Pov

When I felt myself explode I didn't know what had happened but as I calmed down I realized instead of screaming I was howling. I didn't know why but then I felt my toung hung low beneath my mouth and that freaked me out.

 I tried to say what the fuck but all that came out was a bark. I looked down at my body but instead of seeing my arms and legs I saw that I was standing on 4 legs instead of 2. I screamed again but yet again it came out as a howl then all of a sudden I heard voices.

Bella your ok - Paul

I'm ok why the fuck am I an animal - me

Your a wolf every Quillutte has the gene it starts with a fever then a temper then you phase - Paul

So your one to then - me

Yes we are Bella me, Paul and Jared are we are a pack which you are now in I'm the alpha - Sam

Wait Sam is that you - me

Yes Bella it's me we have been waiting for you to phase for a long time now - Sam

No wait Paul said the quilluttes have this gene but I'm not quillutte - me

You will have to ask Charlie and Billy that question but right now I need to go over the rules with you so Jared, Paul go to Billy's and explain to him and Charlie what has happened - Sam

Sir yes sir - Jared

I watched both wolves run off and I said what rules Sam - me

Ok Bella there is 3 rules you have to understand and keep to when you phase rule 1 never tell anyone your a wolf, rule 2 always listen and follow my orders no matter what and rule 3 if you get angry leave the place you are at where ever you are and run straight into the woods so you are not seen - Sam

Right so basically I'm grounded as a wolf to - me

Yes exactly now to phase back you need to think happy memories and happy thoughts - Sam

I did what Sam said for me to do and I thought of all the good memories I had with my dads from when I was young and living here. Next thing I felt was my body changing and I saw I was human again looking at my hands. I saw I was naked and so I screamed ahhhhhhhh. I tried to cover my naked body and Sam barked at me with a bark as he was still in wolf form.

He then went over to a tree and went behind it and then seconds later he came back out. Sam then walked over to me and handed me his top and so as fast as I could I grabbed it. After grabbing it I put it on over my head and I looked at Sam and said what now.

Sam then said now we go to Billy's and I sighed while saying ugh do we have to can't I just phase and run away and stay in wolf form. Sam then got a serious face and I knew right away I would regret what I just said as Sam said with a strong sounding voice don't ever leave la push unless you told to. 

Don't ever phase unless I give the order for you to and as soon as he said this I felt a tingling feeling go through my body. Just to prove him wrong I tried to phase thinking of angry things but nothing happened.

I gasped and said what did you do and Sam said I alpha ordered you nothing can break that unless I alpha order you again. I said Sam please I want to at least to be free in wolf form.

Sam said sorry Bella not after what you just said and I said but it was a joke and Sam said not to me it wasn't. I started crying and I ran towards Billy's ignoring Sam calling my name.

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