The Kik Message.

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"Hailey! Time to wake up!" My mom ripped the blanket off of me. "Ok I'm up." Today's the day. I'm moving to Texas. Ughh. I gotta called Happy! (Oh Happy is my bestfriend!)

She doesn't know that I cannot get calls from my new house. "Hi Happy. I'm leaving soon." I frowned. "I know. Bitch! I'm gonna miss you! But we will talk everyday!" Oh here come the water works! "About that. I can't call from Texas, California is to far and my phone only gets reception from the state I live in." She sighed. "Oh. Oh wait! I have this app called kik. Your gonna have Wi-Fi right?" I nodded forgetting she was talking through a phone. "Yep." Kik. Never heard of it. "Ok well if you get kik we can just text!" My bestfriend is genius. "I'll text you my kik and I'll post yours on instagram ,after you text me, for the guys and Annabelle." Oh I'm gonna miss the guys! Jeff, Jaylen and Jake. We always called them J3. As for Annabelle. She stole Jeff from me after we broke up. She is a whore. "Ok I gotta go but text it to me! Love you!" She said bye and I hung up.

I gotta go put my luggage in the car. I grab my bags and put my stuff in the trunk. "Ok I'm all set Dad." I said closing the trunk. We all got into the car and drovere off to the airport.

We are at the airport waiting for the plain to board so we can get to Texas already. Oh I got a text.



My kik is happyhabiba.



Ok. I'll kik you in Texas! xx

I am not sure if im happy my dad got a new job or upset. But either way I am happy for him. "Flight 212 for Texas is boarding." I heard through the intercom thingy. "Bye California!" I yelled not. caring. if anyone saw me.


I woke up in a car. Oh it's my aunt Michelle's car. Were in Texas. I am almost to my new house. this is cool! Texas is really nice. Oh while I have the time I should probably make my kik.

User: haileypaynelover

password: liamsmyeverything




I clicked submit. YAY. I have kik now. I'll kik Happy at home. I am already calling it home. Well we're here and my mom and dad are unpacking for me so I can explore Texas. I'll kik Happy while I'm at it.


Oh cool it says when she read it. I really like this app and I just-... I fell to the floor. "Would you watch where you're going?" I say and look up to see a really cute boy with the fetus Bieber styled hair. "Oh sorry bout that." I feel like a bitch now. "Sorry for being rude! Hi I'm Hailey. What's your name?" I held out my hand and he shook it. "Alex... Alex Constancio. And I'm surprised your not fangirling." Now I'm confused. "Fangirling? You don't look like Liam Payne or Justin Bieber to me!" He laughed. "I'm Austin Mahone's bestfriend." Oh Austin Mahone. "I've heard of him. Only one song." He nodded.

I smiled at him while he laughed. "Well I guess ill see you around sometime? Here's my number. I'm sure we'll be great friends." I nodded and walked away. Okay he is adorable. Austin Mahone. He is cute too. Just not that interested in him.

I am gonna go home. I am tired and hungry. I walk home and see my aunts car gone. She must have left. I walk in the front door and we have brand new furniture and the house is halfway unpacked. "Mom I have a new friend." I yelled hoping she would find me in this huge house. "Oh how nice dear! What's her name." I laughed at the thought of Alex being a girl. "Alex. And he is a dude."

"Well parden me. I hope he is cute. You need a boyfriend ever since you and Jeff broke up." She said putting away dishes. "Ok well I am going to bed mom love you. " She blew me a kiss and I went up to my room. RED EVERYTHING. I love the color red. It has to be the best color in the world

I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. I need some sleep. I will dream of California and one direction. Haha just kidding about that California part. I am amazayn.

(Authors note)

Hiya people reading this. That is mine and my friends kik. The password is fake. :) I hope you like this story so far. I do have Austin's kik he just said I can't give it to anybody. But if you want me to say hi to him for you I will. Tell me what you think of the story!!!!! love you carrots

-Hailey Payne.

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