Carnivals, Sluts, And Cody

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     Last night was fun. I got to see Nash. He is pretty cool. I am leaving for Japan soon. I don't know what im gonna tell Hailey. Oh I can take her to the carnival then to a fancy dinner. That's when I'll tell her.

    She walked into the kitchen and Sat at the table. "Morning!" She said kissing my cheek. "Morning love. Oh you need to get dressed. I'm taking you somewhere!" She smiled and nodded. "Ok. When will we be leaving?" The carnival opens at 10:15 and it is 9:30 now. "30 minutes." She nodded and ran upstairs.

     I grabbed my bowl and put it in the sink. "Austin!" I heard a voice behind me. Alex and Robert stood there. "Hey guys!" They Sat next to me and I was in the middle. "Where have you been?" They said questioning me. "Home. Where have you been?" I said back. "School and home." Robert said. Alex nodded.

      I smiled and the boys Sat there. "Well can I get dressed?  I'm taking Hailey to the carnival then a date. I  need to tell her im going to Japan." They moved and I went to my room to get dressed.


      I finished my shower and began to do my makeup. I don't know if I should dress up so I put jeans and a crop top on with a tank top under. I straightened my hair and ran downstairs. I saw Alex and Robert. "Hey you!" Alex said hugging me. Robert hugged me next and they Sat on the couch while I put my red converse on. "What are you doing here?" I said grabbing my purse. "Just came to stop by I guess." I nodded and Austin came in.

       He pulled out his phone and put it back in his pocket. "You ready?" I nodded and we left. The boys followed.The drive wasn't very long. We stopped at the carnival and my eyes lit up. "I love it!  I haven't Ben here since before my grandpa died." He smiled and we went to the ticket booth and got our tickets. I pulled him over to the first game. "Okay you shoot the water into the rings if you hit the picture you win a prize." The guy at the booth said. I looked closely at the pictures. It was One direction. Justin Bieber. Cody Simpson. And Selena Gomez, Ew.

      I hit the picture of Selena and scored. Austin hit one direction and won. I guess if you hit the bigger picture you win. He grabbed the penguin and handed it to me. I took it and we held hands to the food cart. "Two hot dogs please." The man handed us hotdogs and we Sat at a table. "OMG it's Austin Mahone and Hailey Wilson!" A blonde girl ran up to us. The friend she had was wearing booty shorts and a bikini top. The blonde girl was warring shorts and a crop top that nearly went up to her boobs. "You guys want a picture?" They nodded and took the picture. "ok guys see ya round!" they left and he groaned. "I hate those kind of girls. Always being slutty." I nodded and we ate our food. We finished and went to the photo booth. Then we decided to go on the Ferris Wheel. "I have heard if you stop at the top of the Wheel you have to kiss!" He said wiggling his eye brows. "Ok well, we have to just wait and see." He laughed and we began to spin. We got to the top and he shrugged. "Ok fine." He smiled and leaned in. We kissed and he pulled away.

      The ride was over and I went over to the roller coaster. He shook his head. "Why!?" He frowned. "It's to scary!" I rolled my eyes and shook my hand telling him to shoo. I got in line and someone dropped something on my foot. I turned to see Cody Simpson. "Oh I'm so sorry. Wait aren't you Hailey Wilson? Your dating Austin Mahone." I nodded. "And your Cody Simpson. Looking really cute right now!" He laughed and shook my hand. "If you say so! you wanna ride the Coaster with me?" I nodded and we moved forward in line a little more. "Ok that will be 10 dollars for the both of you. Cody handed him the ten dollars and we Sat in the seats. "You didn't have to do that!" He smiled. "It's cool I wanted to." I nodded and the ride began.

       I felt like I wanted to throw up. The ride ended and Cody and I got our pictures. We swapped phones and added in our numbers. I hugged him and he left. I looked around for Austin and didn't see him. I went over to the bathrooms and saw him against a wall kissing the blonde girl. Tears swelled my eyes. I took the pictures we took together out of my pocket and ripped them in half. I put them on the picnic table.

      I ran over to the car and forgot he drove. I ran out of the parking lot. I started walking down the street and over to his street. I ran into his house and grabbed my stuff. I called Alex and he came to pick me up.

      "Hey what's wrong?" He said while I got in. "I seriously don't want to talk about it right now." He nodded and drove off to my house. "Bye Alex. Thanks" He hugged me and left. I ran upstairs to my room and plopped face first onto my bed. I cried loudly and I heard a knock. "Hailey what's wrong?" My mom said sitting on my bed. "Austin took me to the carnival and he was making out with some slut." She rubbed my back. "I'm so sorry sweety." I didn't answer and she eventually left the room.

      I pulled out my phone and seen I had a text from Niall,  Harry,  Liam,  And Cody. Oh and ass hole. Niall and Harry were telling me to talk to Austin and Cody and Liam just said Hi. Austin told me to call him. I told the boys I don't want to speak to him and I said hi to Cody and to liam. No one Texted back. Only Cody.

From:Australian in Texas.

Call me. Maybe we could hang out.

To:Australian in Texas.


      I called him and he answered. "Hi!" He said quickly."Hey Cody." I said sniffling. "Whoa why are you crying?" He said concerned. "I don't wanna talk about it." I cried again. "Ok give me your address then we can talk about it. " I gave him my address he hung up.

       "Hailey your friend is here." I ran downstairs and saw Cody. I ran up to him and hugged him. "Mom I'm going up to poo my room." She said ok and we went up to my room. "What's wrong?" He said sitting on my window seat. "Austin was making out with a.... a slut and he told me right before that he told me he hates slutty girls." He shook his head and hugged me. "I'm so sorry." I shook my head. "It's ok.  I don't even car anymore. I'm done." He nodded his head and Sat back down. "Ok well I would stay to comfort you but I have to get going. It was awesome meeting you and we should hang out again sometime." I nodded and hugged him. "Thanks Cody!  your a good friend." He waved and left. I began to cry again and opened my window and Sat on my window seat. Austin waved from Alex's window and I flipped him off. This is gonna take a lot of healing.


       I got to Alex's and he was asleep.  I woke him up and told him everything. I called Niall and Harry and told them everything. I need her to know that, that girl pushed me up against the wall and began to kiss me against my will. I looked out the window and saw her crying. I waved and she flipped me off. This sucks. I really love her and she hates me now. Hell I hate me now.

(Authors Note )

GUYS!  Austin's lyric video is out!  watch it pleaseeeee! oh and the midnight memories video is out as well!!!!!!  BEST DAY EVER!!!!!


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