I can't do this alone

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      Having this baby is getting so much harder. I just realized last night Austin is going on tour soon and I am not gonna be able to go. I havent really talked to him about it either and I need to, I just dont know how i am gonna do that. I am gonna call Happy she knows everything. I pulled out my phone and called her. "Hey. Whats up?" Happy answered. "I need you right now." I sighed into the phone. "What is it?" She said worried. "Austin is going on tour and I cant go with him because Rose is to young and I cant have her being around all those fans. I dont want her to get hurt." I sighed into the phone. "Oh well what are you gonna tell him?" She asked yawning. "I dont know thats why I called you." I said hoping for an answer. " I got you through some tought times but I dont know if i can get you through this one." I sighed. "I thought you'd say that. Thanks Happy love you loads" I hung up the phone and began to walk out of the kitchen.


      Austin walked in. "You cant come on tour with me?" He said with a tear running down his cheek. "Austin its for the baby. I dont want her getting hurt cant you just understand please?" He shook his head and ran upstairs. "Austin stop. We dont have to do this." I said shutting our bedroom door so the baby couldnt hear our fighting. "I want you to go on tour with me so I can be with you and Rose." I shook my head. "Austin you dont understand. SHe wont be safe. I cant travel with her being so young." He sighed. "Do what you want. Im going to Alex's." He grabbed a bag and put some shirts in it. "You're gonna do this again?"  He stopped. "Do what again?" He asked frowning. "Your just running away from the problem again." He zipped his suitcase. "Dont leave Austin!" I grabbed his arm and he jerked it back. He slammed the front door and left. Iran upstairs and cried into my pillow. 




      I drove up to Alex's and sat in the driveway. "FUCK!" I said and slammed my hand s on the wheel. I ran my fingers through my hair and got out of my car. "Hey Alez." I said and walked off to the kitchen. "Hey Austin whats wrong?" I took a water bottle out of the fridge and set it on the counter. "Hailey and I are fighting again. SHe cant go on tour with me so I acted like an ass and now she is pissed." He shook his head. "You do know your going on tour in like a week; right?" I nodded. "She said she isn't coming with me." He stop eating his cracker. "Oh." I looked down. "I am gonna go to the garage ill be right back." I walked down to the Garage and took out another blade. I know what your thinking. Austin stop. Hailey is just trying to protect your daughter. I know i just love her so much and i cant be away from her. She means to much to me. 


        I have all this fame and fortune but all I really wanna be is something to her. I lightly pressed the blade against my skin. The deeper i went the more stress came off my shoulders. My phone vibrated in my pocket. The blood dripped on my pants. "SHIT." I grabbed wrapping from the shelf and wrapped up my arm. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and it was a missed call and voicemail from Hailey. I opened the voicmail. "Hey Austin. I wanted to call and tell you i am flying out to California to see Happy. I think we need a break. I really love you but sometimes i feel like you dont have that same feeling. Bye Austin. Call me back if you have the chance." I closed my eyes and prayed to my dad. "Dad i dont know if your watching me right now or if you even know what is happening, but i need Hailey in my life or i may kill myself because i cant live without her. She is my everything and so is my baby girl. Please just show me a sign is it gonna be ok?"  I waited a minute to see if he sent anything. But no answer. he doesnt care that is exactly why he did what he did. I sighed and walked back into the house. "Night Alex im going to bed." he saluted me. "Night boo." 


(Authors Note)


      Hey Lovelys I havent updated on this story in forever and u guys probably think i stopped writing but i havent. I hope you liked this chapter. Please give me some comments so i know what you all think. Hope you guys liked it ^.^


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