Sneaking out, Crushes, sleepovers, and truth or dare.

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      So where did I leave off. Oh yea. AUSTIN KIKED ME AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!  I really like talking to Alex. If I keep talking to him I am bound to meet Austin. So I guess I will reply back.

Yea. We should Hang sometime How bout tomorrow?  at Alex's. SLEEPOVER!!!!!

      I need to go tell my parents. I hope they don't freak. "Mom. Dad?" I walk into the living room. "Yea bud?" My dad says in his deep soothing voice. "I'm gonna camp with Alex, Austin,  and Robert. My new friends. In Alex's backyard." I looked at both of them and down at my hands hoping for an "ok"...."Ok you can go." My mom said. Now for dad. "Who are these boys?" I said Austin was a singer and Alex and Robert were his buddies. "No! No camping without any other girls your age around."

     I can't believe him right now. "Dad why not!? They're just friends! Come on!" He shook his head and covered his eyes. "No is no. your not going." He said sternly. I groaned and ran up to my room. If he won't let me out I guess i'll just have to sneak out. I packed my bags for tomorrow. They won't know I'm gone cause they both have work. they will come home and think im sstill in my room upset.


      Alright. The big sneak out. I am gonna lock my door climb out the window and down the tree. I did everything now I gotta go. I opened my window and climb down the tree. That was easy. Now I am gonna hop the fence.

     I cut my wrist on the fence on my way over. I kncked on Alex's back door and he let me in. "Hey!" I waved and set my bags on the couch. "Alex we need to stay inside. I snuck out to be here." He laughed and gave me a high five. "Alright. The boys will be here in 10 minutes make yourself comfortable." He walked out of the living room and left me alone on the couch.

      He came back in with a 2 glasses of water. He handed me mine and grabbed my wrist. "What the hell?" He said looking at me then my wrist. "Don't worry. I'm not in deep depression! I cut it on the fence." He pretended to wipe sweat from his brow and Sat next to me.

      "So! I'm excited for toni-...." He was cut off bye the doorbell. "Oh hey Guys!" The boys walked in and came up to me.  I stood up and shook their hands. The moment Austin touched my hand I felt chills go up and down my body. "Ok guys so what first!?" Robert yelled. "Truth or Dare!" Alex dragged me to the living room floor.

     "Hailey truth or dare?" Alex looked over at me then the boys followed his actions. "Truth?" He thought for a moment. "Who was your first kiss?" Oh man. I have never kissed anyone. "No one." The boys looked at me then Austin. "Austin truth or dare!" Robert said. "Dare." I don't like where this is going. "I dare you to kiss Hailey. Tongue or not 1 minute kiss." Austin looked over to me and leaned in.

     We began to kiss and I felt fireworks. He seemed Like to much of a gentleman to tongue it so he just did regular. He pulled away and I got up for water. "What's wrong?" Just my luck it was Austin. "Nothing!" I took a sip of my water. "I can tell when something is wrong with a girl when their eyes seem sad. And your eyes my friend are sad." Damn it. I always got a away from it. "Ok.....I snuck out. I really wanted to come tonight. My dad doesn't trust you guys." He came up to me and hugged me. "Why are you hugging me Austin?" He let go. "Just hugging you. You look like you needed a hug." I said thanks and walked back in the room with the boys. "Hey girls." I said sitting down. "I'm not a girl!" They chorused.

      "Well you are now." Austin Sat next to Alex. "Who else is tired?" Robert said yawning. "Me and Alex are. Hailey. You tired?" I am pretty tired. Plus I need to get home early tomorrow before my parents wake up. "Yes. I am!" We all layed down and went to sleep.


      I woke up to banging on the door. The boys wouldn't wake up so I am gonna wake up Alex. "Alex wake up!" He shot up and looked at me. "Why are you up so early?"  I looked at the clock. "It's 10:24 retard." He rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Ok. Why did you wake up?" We heard another bang again. I pointed to the door. He walked up to it and opened it. "Alex? Is that your name or are you Austin?" My dad! I'm in deep shit.

      I hid in the closet so they wouldn't see me. "Alex." My dad walked in and opened the closet I'm hiding in. "Nice try bud. Your in for it." Man. He grabbed me and pit me over his shoulder. "I'll see you guys in school on Monday! Save me a spot on the bus. Austin I'll see you after school on Monday. " Alex waved bye and shut the door. "Why did you sneak out?" He said walking with me over his shoulder.

      He stopped and put me down. "I really wanted to hang out with them. Whether you like it or not they are my friends." He looked into my eyes. "I don't want you sleeping over with boys. Especially teenage boys. So your grounded!" I am about to cry. "So your telling me I can't hang out with them?" He nodded. "Wow dad. When did you turn into such an ass?" I ran down the street and to my house. I slammed the door and ran up to my room.

      I grabbed my phone and turned it off. "Phone please." My dad came in. I handed it to him and he walked out. I slammed the door and locked it. I am glad I have a mini fridge and my own bathroom.. I can live in here for a month if I wanted. I lay on my bed keep crying. I think I am going to cry myself to sleep.


      I woke up to rocks hitting my window. I opened it to find Austin. "What are you doing here?" I motioned him to come up the tree. "I came here to check on you." He said sitting on my window seat. "Why did you do it Romeo style. You could've tweeted me. He forgot to take my lab top." I said pointing to my computer. "Oh.  Well I am glad your ok."I nodded and he climbed out my window. "Bye Austin!  He waved from the backyard and hopped Alex's fence.

     No boy has ever done that. Even Jeff. And Jeff is a gentlemen just like Austin. He like went all Romeo and Juliet on me. I layed on my bed. I keep thinking about that kiss. It was nothing like I have ever felt before. It was like the forth of July. I think I have a crush on Austin. See this is exactly what I was afraid of. Getting hurt again. I can't have what happened to me with Jeff and Annabelle. I really can't. I need to go back to sleep and stop thinking bout all of this.

(Authors Note)

NO JIMMY PROTESTED! Hi again. Hailey has a crush on Austin. Do you guys think Austin will hurt her? I don't think so. Vote comment. Keep reading. Sorry if you don't like it I'm a bad writer. :)

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