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      Still no calls or texts from Austin. Now i know he soesn't love me and doesn't care. I knew even meeting him was a mistake. I wish my life just stopped and rewinded but the bad thing about life is that you cant press a rewind button.  The flight attendant told us we will be landing soon and  I am just happy to see my bestfriend again. I looked over at Rose and she looks like Austin. His perfect chin, his eyes, and his smile. I dont know if i can be away from him any longer. It has only been two days since our fight and I am an emotional wreck. My phone began to ring. I looked at the caller ID and realized it was Alex. "Hey." I sighed. "Why did you leave to California!" Alex asked. "I had to get away from the drama plus i need to see happy i miss her." I said rocking Rose's carseat to quiet her down. "You do know Austin is going on tour in less then a week right?" I sighed. "Yes." He apoke again. "Do you know Austin is cutting himself again?" My eyes widened. "He did what?!" I yelled making a ton of people look over to me.


      I became red as a tomato."Alex i am calling him." He sighed. "He turned his phone off." i rolled my eyes. "Let me talk to him then." He sighed. "He went home to his mom's. His mom probably wont answer tho cause she cant find  her charger." I groaned. "Ok call me when you get the chance to talk to him." I said and hung up. "The plane will be landing in 3 minutes." the lady said and went back to her seat. Finally. Does Austin seriuosly think me not coming on tour with him is this bad? If I were him i wouldnt mind. We can still facetime and text. It doesnt matter anymore cause we are on a break. I can go back to California see jeff and Jaylen and Jake. Talk to Happy. Everything will seem like it did before. Now everyone is starting to get of the plane 


       I walked off the plane and instantly ran over to Happy. "Let me see my baby she said hugging me. "Aww look at her. She looks just like Austin. Hey I am so sorry about everything that is going on with you and Austin." I shook my hand its ok were on a break anyways. So I can really talk to whoever." she nodded. "Well guess who I have with me waiting in the car." I shrugged. "Jeff."I smiled. I actually really miss Jeff. Happy took the baby from me and I walked out to the car. "JEFF!" I yelled and ran to him. I hugged him and he swung me around. "I missed you sooooo much." He squeezed me. "Where is that baby of yours?" he questin arms still around my waste. "Happy has her. She is coming. " He smiled. "I am just so glad your back." I kissed his cheek." Me too." Happy came down to the parking lot with the baby's luggage. "Ready to go to my place?" Jeff questioned. "What?" I questioned. "Your staying with me for the time your here in California." I looked over to happy. "My cousins are in town for the next 2 weeks.  Sorry." I nodded.


     We pulled up to Jeff's and Happy got in her car and left. "So..." I said laying the baby in her bassinet . "Wanna watch a movie?" He questioned. "Yea what movie?" He pulled out The Notebook and I nodded. He put the movie in a nd he went to make some popcorn. I am finally not in a relationship huh? It feels kinda good actually. Not being so commited. Jeff came back in the room with a bowl of popcorn and sat down next to me. "So um how is things with You and Austin?" He questioned eating some popcorn. "We are actually on a break right now." He frowned. "Oh that sucks." I hugged him. "I missed you jeff. He looked down at me. "I missed you too." I looked into his eyes and next thing i knew my lips were attached to his. I pulled myself away and didnt look at him the rest of the night.


(Authors Note)

Hellooooooooooo xxx. I love you guys. Not as much as luke hemmings but i still love you guys. I hope you liked the update. Comments and votes are always appreciated 

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