Austin's Concert and A few special guests.

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      Austin is gonna have the guys be the opening act at his concert tonight. Niall still hasn't told me about that date he went on with Happy either. "Niall!" I yelled. He came downstairs. "Hey. whatcha need?" I made sure Happy wasn't in here. "Have you engaged to her yet? You didn't tell me about your date...." I waited for him to talk to me about it. "Well I went to pull the ring out and before I went on one knee I sortsdropped the ring in mud and before she could look at it I picked it up and stuck it back into my pocket." I nodded. "Your so clumzy." He laughed . "Seriously though, I need to take her out again. And not in the park this time." I laughed and then an Idea came into my head. "You can engage to her at the concert tonight! You can play a romantic song then ask her!" He gave me a high five. "Thats a great idea. Now help me choose which song I should sing." We both got to thinking and planned it out.


       Im going to ask Hailey to marry me tonight. I fell in love with her the day I met her.  I can replay our lives so far in my head like a movie. From when her dad picked her up from Alex's house from the time I found out she was pregnant.  I relive those memories everyday over and over again. I need to show her how much I lover. Not an "Ilove you" not a cute text. Not even a meaningful kiss. I need to marry her. My mom did come with me on tour so she is in the spare bedroom at Hailey's aunt's house. "Hey mom, can I ask you a question? Well you might say no but It is worth a shot." I said sitting next to her. "What is it?" She said looking away from her book. "Can I use your ingagment ring to ask Hailey to marry me?" She smiled. "Sweety you can have this ring but I need to ask yo a question as well." I nodded. "Are you sure about this?" I nodded. "Mom I am more positive then when Alex convinced me to start putting up covers." She nodded. "Austin I love you." I hugged her. " Love you too." I walked ot of her room and went down to the kitchen. "CONSTANCIO!" I yelled making him jump. "What?!" He said setting his cup down. "You and I have to go to the stadium. The concert is starting soon." He nodded and grabbed his Naked juice.


      I had to get driven crazy by Louis and Zayn having a "Who can Throw the most gummy bears at Hailey" in the car on the way down to the stadium. "Who won?" Zayn said glaring at Louis. "Zayn won." I said picking up a gummy bear and tossing it at Zayn and Louis sighed. "So when are we playing?" Harry said eating a ship. "Remember the plan? You guys sing your two songs then Niall is gonna sing you and I to Happy." He nodded. "Oh yeah." Austin came in the room and kissed my cheek. "You gonna be on stage with me during the concert?" I laughed. "Why would I?" He had his hands on my waist. I dont know. I did notice most of my Mahomies love you so they might be happy to see you." I smiled. "Alright." Austin Kissed my lips and Turned to the guys. "Time to go on guys" Austin smiled. "Good luck." I whispered to Niall. They walked onto the stage and Austin and I just waited. "So you think Rose is ok with Mama Mahone?" He nodded. Jeff came out of the bathroom. "Happy is in the other room. She needs you Hailey." I Looked to Austin and to Jeff. "Uh ok." I walked into the other room. "Happy what's wrong?" She sniffled. "My aunt just passed away. YOu know thats why my cousins came out with her. FOr her treatment. She couldn't fight anymore and just drifted to sleep." I cried with her. "You know what. You are gonna get up and be strong because we have a big surprise for you on the stage." She smiled and walked  onto the stage. "This is my girlfriend Happy. I know you directioners have been dying to meet her. So here she is." Niall said and Austin and I stood aside. "I have a song for her as well." Everyone cheered and Niall sat Happy in a chair and he stood next to her and played his guitar.

     "I figured it out. I figured it out from black and white.  Seconds and hours, maybe we have to take some time." She just sat and he sang to her. It is so romantic. The song ended and I had to hold back my tears. "Happy I am completely in love with you. There is no one else on this earth that I love more then you. I finally found my princess." He got down on his knee and Happy held a hand to her chest. "Happy will you marry me?" She nodded and cried hugging him. Everyone cheered and they both walked off stage. "Good job Horan." he smiled. Austin walked on stage with me. "Hey Mahomies!" He yelled. "This is, as you know, my girlfriend Hailey. She wanted to join us tonight. She loves you guys just as much as I do." His fans cheered and I smiled. "Lets go!" The song started up. " I I'm feeling your thunder. the storm's getting closer!" Austin sang and I sat down. 'Now you guys sing while i get this girl off her butt!" The mahomies sang and he started to dance with me. I laughed and he kissed my cheek. 

      The concert was just about over and Austin sat me down in a chair. "We are not done just yet." I looked at him confused. "Hailey you know how much I love you. No song, note, text, voicemail, or poem can show how much I love you. Something can though." He got on his knee. "Will you marry me Mrs.Mahone?" I bit my lip. "No I am saving myself for Luke Hemmings." He laughed. "YEs Austin I will marry you." I kissed him and he picked me up bridal style. "Alright Mahomies. I love you all so much. Meet and greets tomorrow here. THey are free so please come so I can meet all you beautiful amazing fans! Goodnight." They all cheered and we went backstage. "I love you so much." I said looking into his eyes. "I love you too." He kissed my lips softly and laid me on the couch kissing me again. 

(Authors Note)

Hello my loves. Been a while. The fanfic is coming close to an end and I just want to thank you all for being so supportive I really appreciate it. You really dont know how much it means to me. Always love seeing your comments so leave some :) Love you 

-Hailey xxx

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