(3)Here I come

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I wake up suddenly to a big shove on shoulder. To see dad standing there. "Get up its 3:30 and you need to get dressed and ready" he said tiredly emphasizing on the you part. "Okay,okay."I say in a groggy tone. Slowly I get up and walk to the bathroom brush my hair and teeth then put my hair into a messy bun. I want to be comfy so I put on a lose crop top and black joggers with converse. "HURRY UP!"Ryan he said in a quick tone meaning I need to hurry up. I swiftly run down the hallway and out the door seeing my dad but my bags in the back. I grab my book bag and get my makeup out of it. Quickly put on a bit of foundation then a few swipes of mascara. Finally satisfied with how I look I put my makeup away.

When we get to the airport we park then I get my suitcases out of the back. They were a bit heavy although I saved room in one for souvenirs and stuff. My dad gets his and shuts the trunk. We silently walk to the door of the airport then walkover to where we put our big luggage. Then we head towards the security check. After that we head to the terminal. We sit there waiting for a while cause we're early. While I scroll through my phone reading a book I hear our plane and class of the plane being called. We get up and get on to the flight to Dallas, Texas. I hand the lady my ticket and walk onto the plane. I found the seats that my dad and I were sitting at. I sit at the window seat and slowly wait to take off.

"Excuse me lady and gentlemen please take a seat as we are about to take off. Please turn off your phone or put it on airplane mode for the time being. Fastened your seat belts and we will announce when you can take them off. Thank you for riding PAN-AM airways and may you flight be enjoyable." The pilot announced over the intercom. I buckled up and waited for him to say when we can unbuckle them again. "Excuse me ladies and gentlemen of the flight we are now in the air and it's safe for you to take off you seat belts." He said almost monotone like.

I took out my earbuds and listened to my playlist. What came on first was Puppy Dog Eyes by Ida Laurberg. I know this is a white girl song but I love it. I listen to it intently then slowly and carefully drift off. Laying my head against the window I stare out it thinking. I slowly and quietly hum to myself the songs on my playlist. I slowly drift to sleep on the flight awaiting to arrive.

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