(9) Memoirs

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When I was done with my hair Alex left saying he had to get back to his hotel. I cleaned up the mess and remembered we had an event tomorrow. I lay out my outfit choice  then brush my hair loving how it turned out.

 I lay out my outfit choice  then brush my hair loving how it turned out

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I put on my leggings and a loose t-shirt get in my bed. I check my phone and tell Aaron and Taylor that I'm going to sleep. I put my phone down and lay down tiredly.

Closing my eyes I try to let sleep take me. Right when I was about to I hear the hotel door opening and two roommates sneaking in. They try to be quiet and it's not working. I try to hold in my laughs.

"Ow!!!" I hear Taylor whisper yell.

"Shut up Taylor she's asleep." Aaron says I try to keep my laugh to my self.

"Not my fault her stupid suitcase stubbed my toe." He said. After that I couldn't hold it on I just died laughing and opened my eyes to see them looking at me.

I see Taylor holding his toe on pain while I laugh harder Aaron soon joining in on it.

"Thats not funny!" Taylor pouts. Which makes me laugh even more. He then jumps on me and starts tickling me. I just die there I hate it when people do that.
"S-stop..(haha) I will do anything."

"Give me a kiss on the cheek."
"No Aaron's here and that won't be fair."
"Fine give me and him one on the cheek."
"Deal!" I say.

I kiss them both. When I did it to Taylor he blushed. Aaron was just like 'SCORE' haha.
"Alright guys it's 12:00 and we have an event tomorrow good night." I say laying down.

I let the sleep take me away. That night I dream of how my mother died.

*Im on the floor; five years old. She walks by grabbing her clothes for the wash. A gun drops from a box in front of my lap. Her boyfriend of that time after being divorced from my dad comes in. He slaps her and she screams. I watch and pick up the gun. She screams and begs me to give her the gun. I was only five and didn't know how it worked. All that I remember next was a bang and my mother on the ground. My father looking at her.* Then all goes black as I wake up I'm sweating, crying, I hoped I wasn't screaming but I know I was.

I'm breathing heavy. Taylor comes to me with Aaron with very worried looks on they're faces. I try getting up to get water without saying a word. As soon as I stand I collapse and start crying.

"I can't anymore.., I just can't." I say then after that it all goes black. I hear Taylor scream call the ambulance; I'm gonna call her dad and the boys. And that's all I heard.

That morning I wake up in an uncomfortable bed. I look to my side and my fathers there head in his hands.
"Dad.." I croak out clearly needing water.
"Ryan..," he says with a very worried look on his face.
"Do you know what happened or even remember."

I just shake my head.
"Well from what I got from Taylor and Aaron you were asleep and started to scream. They got up to see if you were ok and you were sweating profusely and shaking terribly. They reached to wake you up but you wouldn't so they waited until you did. According to them you jolted awake breathing heavy and instantly got up. After that you blacked out and now your here."

I nod my head.
"Are the boys here?" I ask.

"No right now they're at the event."

"I understand they probably didn't want to disturb the fans by calling it off or postponing it."

"Yes and I was talking to the doctors they said to take those pain killers over there for the headaches you will have," he said pointing to some sort of medicine, "And to get some rest. They said after they do all the test that they will let you out." I nod my head and sigh.

After the nurses did my check up o changed back into my PJ's which were actually good for regular clothes. I checked out and my dad got a driver to take us back.

When I got back to the hotel room I saw gifts from the boys which made me smile. I layded down and slept until 5:00. I wake up to see no one there. I check my phone and see that the boys texted me telling me they're in the lobby and that we have a fancy dinner at 7:00. I hop in the shower and get ready.

I put on my dress and go down to the lobby to see the boys dressed up. When I get down the all stare. But I have my eye on one boy who wasn't even blinking.



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