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Mathews POV.

After I succeed in punching that bastard, Alex, in the face I go for Ryan. I run for her trying so hard to find her,turning corner after corner. I see a silhouette of a woman's body I run up to her. The girl was crying. 

"Ryan.." I mutter underneath my breathe. I put my hand on the girls shoulder. She turns, but it is not Ryan. 

"Have you seen my daughter," the woman asked. "She's shorter than you are and has well I don't remember what color hair she is always dying it. Her name is Ryan."

"YOU TOOK HER! Why did you take her?"

"I did not take what was mine, what is Alex's, because we simply owned her from the start."

"Go get her." Alex's voice speaks before I get nailed in the back of my head.

Looking back I see Alex as he swings again and nails me right in the cheek bone. Again he throws another punch, I dodge this one and swing an uppercut to the bottom of his chin. Swiftly I throw another to the side of his head. Whilst I did that though he surprised me with a punch straight to my ear that deafened me.It threw me in shock. Alex threw more and more punches as I fell to the ground. He then stomps on my face and all goes black. All i can think of is her. How I held her for a quick 30 seconds,  before she tore away from me. Before she ran from me. I had her, but now she's missing. She got away from me too fast, Ryan's gone... I had her right in my grasp and..and..gone.    

Alex's POV. 

Time to find that little bitch. Following after Sierra we stumble upon a series of apartment buildings. 

"Shhh. Be quiet."

*In the distance*

"Somebody please...PLEASE... Open the door," screams a voice in fear and crying. 

"I hear her, let's go before anyone sees."

Ryan's POV.

"Open the door. I'm in danger. Please help me." I am pounding with tears rolling down my face. I go to another and knock again. Why is nobody answering?? I'm going to another door.


My face is pressed against the wall. I turn my head to see who has me pinned. 

"Hey Ry." He says with a smirk before knocking me out with the hardest punch imaginable.

A flow of memories come back. It is with this Mathew kid. Of us at a dinner, of us in a bed, of him watching me as I step down in a dress, and nothing more. And then other memories began to show, some of this other boy. He and I being together and looking at each other with a passion. And then of someone calling his name, Taylor.  Next my memories click to him with another girl in his bed. I don't know why but I felt heartache then. Now all there is is blackness.

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