(15)The Truth

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Ryan's P.O.V.

"Stop it!!"


I struggle as Alex tickles me. He has me pinned up against the wall and is struggling to tickle me because I am flailing around,  my key tactic. He and I have gotten friendly if that is to say anything. We have been hanging out for the past few weekends. When we went laser tagging it was a tad bit awkward but mad fun. He and I have been hanging out more and gotten closer. It is safe to say that we have been flirting. It is obvious he likes me and I feel the same. There is just this hidden feeling tugging at me, eating me away, like I'm forgetting something, which I am. I mean I lost all my memory but this just feels... urgent, and it is demanding to be felt, but what is it...

"Oh yeah? Prepare for the major butt kicker!!" screamed Alex as he began tickling my sides.  

"Ya'll are so darn cute!"  Sierra said as she was walking by the kitchen. 

Alex and I were supposed to be getting a snack, (when i say snack i mean we literally started making mac and cheese and Dino nuggets) but then he decided it would be hilarious to attack me ninja style. Soon i hear a small amount of sizzling noises, then there were and it got louder. 

"Shit! Alex you made the damn pot boil over!"

"I'm sorry, Okay?!" he said in a mocking tone. 

"Ugh your such an idiot!"

"You love me and you know it!"

"You sure that isn't just in your head?"

"Pretty Damn sure." He said with a grin that just made me want to jump up and hug him. I can't deny I have feelings for him, but I am just waiting on his slow ass to ask me out. Every time Sierra asks him about it,even if I am there he just responds with, "Mit der Zeit wird sie mir gehören," which is gibberish to a dumb ass like me. So to say that I am curious is the understatement of the entire lifetime of the earth. Sierra would just smile and nod then it was my turn to get triggered and start yelling at them both. 



"I call squirting the cheese."

"BBBBuuuuutttttt iiiittttt'sss my turrrn." He whined as he fake frowned at me. 

"No, but seriously let's go to the beach."

"Bet. Put on your bathing suit and were gonna go swim."

*At the beach*

 As I get in the deeper water Alex comes up behind me and picks me up so that I won't be drowning in the waves, although they aren't that big. I keep hearing this small but noticeably distance voice.I just choose to ignore it.  Alex turns  me around and I face him. 

"Hey," I giggle as he pulled me closer to him.

"Hey beautiful."

"We're a little close aren't we?"

"Well that is on purpose."

"Oh.. Why?"

Then next thing my little but new was that he was kissing me, on my lips. No not on my forehead or cheek like usual, but the round pink things toward the bottom part of my face, MY LIPS. Although I'm shook,  I go closer in, and I'm loving this feeling. Butterflies continue to appear and float even as we pull apart. I look towards the shore and see another dude with several others, but they were all too familiar. But there was one in the middle on the ground, he looked like he just lost a battle. Although there was this guilty feeling tugging at me I say fuck it and go back to Alex. 


"Look Ryan I have been thinking to do that for a long time now, your beautiful,strong, and amazing."

"Thank you.." 


"But... what?"

"But this doesn't ma-"

"Listen to me Damn it!"

He and I were too far out and we decided to get back to the shore. He said he was going to explain to me there what he was going on about.

"Okay so now that you are situated on your towel listen to me. First off Your full name is Ryan Bordelon. Your father is Bart. He is the 'father' of Magcon. Magcon is a meet and greet convention full of boys. You met these boys, because you got into trouble and that was your punishment. You started to hangout with the boys, One of them started liking you but broke your heart and became an ass, his name was Taylor. The next one you basically fell for... His name is Matthew. Now all I know now is your at Sierra's house, because she saved you from what happened that night. She told me what she knew, and I used what you told me from when we met, which was when you were on tour with the boys. While I was there I followed some of them on places and have been talking to them about you, but never told them about me knowing you... Only because I want you to be mine. You are mine. Your not going to contact them. I invited them here to watch me kiss you to show them your happy in your new life. So that they will leave you alone, you are mine and Sierra's. No one else's. They didn't tell your dad because they said they wanted it to be a surprise and I told them not to. So be happy dammit!"

He started being aggressive so I got scared submissively I said okay. Then we went home. So I took my time walking to the library to do my own research, without it getting traced by Sierra. 

Matt's P.O.V.

Alex had told me where they were. So I got the guys, and we went there. I had bought all her favorite stuff, roses even to surprise her and show her my affection towards her for when I would finally get to see her. Thanks to Alex I found her and I was so grateful for him at this moment. I saw her looking beautiful at the beach.I was so happy to know she wasn't hurt in any way and never had been. From what Alex told me she remembered what  happened, and she especially remembered me. I yelled her name over and over as I was running over there, Cameron, Nash, The Jacks, and some others following me. We were all going to surprise Bart with his daughter. Most of all I was going to get to hold her and hug her. As we were running I see them going into the water, I call her name some more but the wind was killer. I think she heard me because she turned her head, gosh she looked so beautiful. As I got in front of them to where I could see both I saw Alex turn her around. He kissed her. Right in front of me. She wanted it too, I saw her kiss back and leaning in with passion and everything. I dropped to my knees... and cried. The guys circled around me and saw what happened. While they all stared in shock I got up slowly. They all started to walk away, I threw the roses to the ground, and my heart was broken. She had forgotten about all of us. Like we were never there. Even if She was still Bart's daughter, that was NOT Ryan. She broke me. Now I am forgetting her...

Bart's daughter (a magcon fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now