11)I cry.

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I cry. I do it at night. I wake up early in the morning. Like some nights it's around 2 AM. No one is awake. Or at least in my room. It's been a month since magcon started. A month since the whole Taylor thing.

  We are now in Washington,D.C.  My father agreed to let me stay with Matt, Cameron, and Nash. They are asleep in they're beds. I slowly get up. Trying to untangle my self from Matts arms.

He and I have been getting dangerously close. And I like him but it can't work. He's one of Taylor's best friends and that's not what I do. Nash and Cameron; they scare me.

I have been having the night mares again. But more often. Of how my mother died. I go over to the bathroom.

Opening the door I put my hands on the light switch to turn it on, while shutting the door. I look at myself in the mirror. I don't recognize the girl there.

Taylor has been with girls. And it still hurts a bit. I let my hair grow out very long. Down to my butt. I died it brown awhile ago because I heard, Taylor likes those brunettes.

But he didn't pay any attention to me. I yawn. Deciding what to do I grab my jacket from my suit case. My phone, key, and wallet. Then walk out.

Ever since my dad wanted me to join Magcon I've gotten more followers, more likes, and worst more hated than ever.

All calling me a whore. I put in my earbuds walking out the hotel. Walking it's gets cold and windy. There's rain. But o don't care. I'm shivering but I feel nothing. Flash backs of my mother show up in my head.

Of her limp body falling to the ground. Trying to shake the image out of my head I run into someone.

"Sorry.." I say while trying to walk off.

"Hold on sweetheart let me look at you." The man grabbed my wrist. And pulled my face to look at him. There was no trace of alcohol in his system or drug. So I let him.

"You have a pretty face. And a nice body." He said licking his lips this is when I knew to run. But his grip was too tight.

"Let go of me please sir. I will give you all of my money." I begged. But he didn't let go. I tried picking my arm away but it didn't work. He dragged me to an alley way. I tried so hard but o was weak.

All of my fight has been lost. The guys turned me soft. They made me stop alcohol and drugs and spray paint. All my fight and hardcore is gone.

He dragged me while I yelped. I knew what was going to happen. But then I started thinking, what if he will end this.

So I let him drag me. I let him take me to the alley way. I let him undress me. I struggled to make it fun for him because I know he'll make it worse. I know he'll make it hurt more. Do I let him. I like the pain. He unzipped my jacket.

Revealing my tank. I trembled under his hands. He slowly put his hand up my shirt and under my bra. He pushed my front side against a trash can cornering me.

He groped my breast. I yelped. He in did his pants then mine. I sat there crying knowing it was happening. I couldn't do anything. I was too numb. So I sat there.

He slipped his fingers into my underwear and did as he pleasures. I cried but I didn't do anything. I just held it all in. All of the disgust, sadness,anger. Until I couldn't handle it. Right before he was about to slip it int. Before he was about to break my virginity. I Turing around and punched him in the throat. I grabbed me jacket and jerked my pants on. Then ran.

That's all o did. Was run. I ran past stores and people and cars and streets. I just ran. Eventually I ended up exhausted but I kept going. Past city building getting weird stares. I didn't know where I was going but I went.

When I was running across a road I tripped. I didn't sit there. I didn't check my injuries. I just got up and ran more. Eventually. I stopped.

I stopped and cried. I layer down and cried. Just laid on the ground and cried. I cried until it was day light. I didn't check my phone. I didn't see if I lost all my money. Just cried. I cried. And I still do cry. I am right now.

I'm still laying on the same spot crying. And then I saw it. The perfect thing to see. A car.

I laughed from craziness. I went to the street and stood there. It kept coming but slowed down. And stopped. The driver got out. She was alone.

I laughed and started walking towards her.

"Excuse me young lady are you okay?" She asked I nodded my head.

"I don't know. All of my feeli

Bart's daughter (a magcon fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now